7 0 0

11:02:23 a.m
Nona's House, Missouri, St. Louis


"Arghhhh!!" I yelp, as the door shut on my hair. I tug, struggling my way out and screaming. "What's wrong?" I hear Nona's voice. "Nona! I'm over here!" I cry. I hear a bunch of keys jingling and turning on the other side of the door. "How did this happen?" Nona asks, holding me up, right after she yanked the door open. "I was about to come out, when Khadijah locked the door on me" I complain. "And your hair? How did it get there?" she asks, straightening out my hair with her palms. "I don't even know. Well, I think it was 'cause I had my hair in my face, and I flipped it forward, thinking it would hit her and she would leave, then it got caught up in the lock" I try figuring it out. "Uhun? And Khadijah, where is she?" she asks. "I'm here, Nona" she calls from behind her. "Come here, Khadijah. What is wrong with you? Why would you lock the door on a twelve year old girl's hair?" she asks, placing her palm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry" she says. "You shouldn't be telling me sorry, you should be telling her sorry" she says. "Okay. Sorry, Ka ree mah" she says sassily. "No way. Not like that" Nona scolds her. "Ow! My head!" I pretend-scoff, trying to grab Nona's attention, to make it look like it was serious. "My dear!" Nona exclaims, planting a kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry, Kareemah" Khadijah rolls her eyes at me. "You better be" I roll my eyes back at her. "Now girls. I'm going to the kitchen to bake some muffins, and you're going to help me. Let's go" she says, taking us by our forearms.


Present Day


"Hi, Nona" I beam. "Kendall! How are you?" she smiles into the camera. "I'm doing great" I say. "The reception is terrible" I say, not hearing what she said after. The line keeps cracking. "Hello?" I finally hear her clearly. "Hey. I can hear you now" I say. "Where are you?" she asks. "I'm at Kris Jenner's Palm Springs house" I chuckle. "Kris? I thought Kris was with Kourtney's children and MJ in New York" she asks. "Yes, she is. We just borrowed this place for a girls only time" I explain to her. "Oh my! A girls only time. That sounds like so much fun. Can I come?" she asks. "Of course, you're a girl too" I giggle. "Yes, yes. I am. Just as young as 60 years ago. When I was 19, and KILLING it" she says. "Yes, of course! You've never been so young" I giggle. "You know it, gurl!" she laughs and tries to wink at me. "What was that?" I ask. "What was what?" she asks. "What were you trying to do with your eye?" I ask. "I was winking. Wasn't it obvious?" she furrows her eyebrows. I laugh hard, then I speak up, "That isn't how to wink" I chuckle. "It's like this" I add, showing her how to wink. "Show off!" she rolls her eyes in a playful way. "Oh my God! Nona!" I say while laughing. "Yeah, yeah. Where are my grandchildren?" she asks while yawning. "MALEEKA!!!! KHADIJAH!!!! KAREEMAH!!!!" YOUR GRANDMOTHER WANTS TO SPEAK WITH YOU" I yell. "Nona!!" Kareemah squeals coming towards the pool. She puts her legs into the pool, sits beside me and snatches my phone from my hand. "Hey!" I exclaim. "Hi, Kikikiki" Nona giggles. "Hello, Nonanona" she waves into the camera. "How's my little, Haqq?" Nona asks, in a huffed voice. "Hi Nona!" Maleeka and Khadijah say walking towards us. "Hey girls! Oou. Look at all of you, all big and looking nice in your bikinis" she eyes all of us. "I'm wearing a lingerie" Khadijah giggles. "Yeah sure. Whatever" she rolls her eyes playfully. Maleeka and Khadijah sit beside us at the pool side, and put their legs into the pool. "Okay girls, so guess who's moving to Malibu?" Nona says all of a sudden. "You?" we all ask in unison. "Yes, me!" she says looking excited. We all coo. "You can finally be close to us, a bit" Maleeka says. "Yeah, the drive wouldn't be that long. Say like an hour and some minutes" Kareemah says. "We can go shopping, and do photo shoots and I can show you round some places where I started my career" Nona says. "What year was that?" I ask. "Oh! Nineteen Fifty-Nine" she says, as we all drop our mouths open. "How old are you?" I ask in amusement. "I'm a good ol' 79" she smiles. "Wow!" I say.





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