Chapter 13 - After The Fact

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Jack's fingers move slightly and Negan feels it as he sits and holds her hand, he has to make sure it really happened. "Jack, are you there..are you waking up for me baby, i just felt your fingers move" Negan's not sure if she can here him, but he's almost certain her hand moved. The music continues to play, and he sits and stares at her waiting for any sign of movement.

Dr. Carson is out getting some dinner, but Negan needs him right now, this is the first time in over a day that Jack has shown any signs of life. Negan is getting restless, he is hardly eating and sleeping and people are starting to worry about him.

"Doc get you ass up here now, Jack might be waking up i felt her hand move" Negan says through his walkie in a hurry, he is so desperate to hear Jack's voice again. A few minutes later Carson shows up and Negan stays by Jack's side as he checks her.

"So what's the verdict, is she going to wake up?"

"Not quite yet, Negan she...she has a long way to go yet, the music might have stimulated her brain, she most likely can hear the music, i would say she has a good chance of waking up at any time, but for now let me check her wound" he lifts her shirt to check her wound.

"Fuck" Negan says, he knows that Jack needs time to recover but he wants her back, that's all he wants right now.

"Well it looks great, i would say she will fully recover, but you know this girl she's strong, to survive this she is really something Negan you should be proud of her"

"I am i just..damn" Negan can't even speak the only thing he wants to say is "I love you" but he wants to say that to her when she wakes up and he knows that when that happens he will say it everyday.

"It's getting pretty late Negan, i'm going to head to bed so if something happens, call me and i will be here, Jack is a sweet girl, and she deserves a long, healthy life, and i hope she gets it"

"She will i know it" Negan says reassuringly "Get some rest Doc, i think i'm going to get some sleep myself" but Negan knows he's not leaving her side, but he really needs to sleep and he can't really sleep in a chair.

"Fuck i can't leave her here by herself, what if she wakes up while i'm asleep"

"Negan you need to be strong for her when she does wake up, you need sleep i suggest you rest for a few hours, i'm sure she will be okay,

"You're right, i know she will, but don't think i won't be back here in a few hours to check her, you know damn fuckin' well i will be"

"That's fine, have a good night Negan" Carson leaves and Negan holds Jacks little, warm hand before he goes to bed.

"Hey baby, i'm going to get some sleep, i hope to see your beautiful eyes open in the morning i can't wait to see you, i love you" Negan leans down and kisses her forehead and he looks at her one last time before he locks the door and walks down the hall. He feels really bad now for leaving her and he almost turns around to go back but he realizes that he needs to sleep in the worst way. Negan continues till he makes it to his room.

Negan walks in and closes the door, he looks around the room and lets out a big sigh. It doesn't feel the same in his room without Jack, he looks over to his bed and their lays her shirt she sleeps in. He walks over and sits down on the bed, and holds the shirt close to him. Negan admires her scent, the way she smells like lavender and the ways she cuddles up against him while they sleep. It's to much for him to think about right now, so he slams a few things around and sits down to catch his breath.

-Negan POV-

Fuck this, i can't sleep without her why did i think i can. I fuckin' walk into my room and all i can see is Jack, the way her eyes light up when she sees me or when she wears this little shirt purposely so she can tease me. I know she does it on purpose, she just doesn't want to admit it and hey i'm not complaining about it, i just want her to be here right now, my bed feels lonely without her.

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