16. Always

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Edward climbs into bed beside Drew as she scrolls through her phone. "Hey sexy."

She giggles and puts it down, rolling over to face him; she slips her arms around him. "Hi. How come you guys were out there alllll day?"

Edward shrugs. "Just a lot of practice today. I heard you and Rose talking..."

"Eaves dropping were we?" Drew raises an eyebrow.

"Me?" Edward fakes shock. "I couldn't ever do such a thing."

Drew rolls her eyes. "Yes, Rosalie and I talked earlier."

Edward smiles. "I'm glad. You guys never seem to get along so it's nice to see you talking."

"It was strange. Thought I saw a pig fly." Drew teases with a giggle. She rolls over as Edward laughs in response, grabbing her phone as it pings. She sits up fast as she reads the email. "No. No."

Edward frowns as he sits up fast too. "What? What's wrong?"

"My parents want to meet you." She pales and stares at him with wide eyes.

"And that's a bad thing...?"

"Yes! Bad. Very very bad!" She shrieks. "They-they- they're psychos! They'll tear you to shreds and me while they do so!"

Edward rolls his eyes. "I'm 111 years old, I think I can handle them."

"No, you can't. Not a chance, you may be an almost emotionless being but you cannot handle them." She shakes her head. She covers her face groaning. Why did she have to be so cocky with her mom?

Edward takes the phone and reads the email. "Drew, how fantastic to hear someone will put up with you. I hope he's a nice religious boy. What are his family like? How about you fly out to meet papa and I in New York this weekend? Our treat - fathers new job has its perks. Cannot wait to see you and this boy. Tara for now." Edward looks at Drew. "This doesn't sound so bad."

"Everything's bad when it comes to them." She buries her face in his chest.

"Let's just use it as a free trip away for a weekend. I know you're cooped up here and you hate it, so let's go roam the city. Its the perfect time of year and weather for me to be out there during the day. Think of the positives." He tries to encourage.

Drew groans and whines." I don't wanna. "

"Are you seriously acting like a child about this?" he smirks.

She scowls. "Yes! Our age difference essentially means I'm a child in comparison to you." She snaps.

"No. Not at all. We are the same maturity, in fact you're technically older than me. I was changed at 17. You are 20." He smirks.

She rolls her eyes. Ass. "You can't make me go."

"Oh I can." He says casually as he lays back, smirking to himself. "And I'm sure Esme could work her magic. Or Jasper could make you feel guilty. Emmett could carry you the whole way." He lists all the ways he could get her there.

Drew scowls. "They wouldn't..."

"They would. I guarantee you." He chuckles.

Drew buries her face in the pillows. "You're a jerk." She mumbles into it as Edward chuckles.

"I know. I love you too." He pats her back as he reads his book.


Edward listens as Drew hums to herself, blow drying her hair in the hotel bathroom. He checks his pocket and feels the ring box, smiling to himself as he relaxes ever so slightly. There's another reason he wanted her to come this weekend.

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