Part 106

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Rabbittail stalked the animal but it quickly spotted the Mossclan cat darting away and onto Shadeclan territory. "No!" He hissed running after the mouse as more and more coniferous trees showed up.

He was wondering how Ivypaw was doing with the task he set her. He hoped she had gotten a respectable amount of chervil to keep their stock a nice size. Sleetstorm stopped to adjust one of the leaves to make sure the webs couldn't fall out.

Through all the trees it was hard for the fluffy bob-tailed tom to catch the mouse but soon enough he grabbed it killing it with a swift bite two the neck.
Quickly he looked around hoping no one had seen him. He was way off the border line at this point.

Sleetstorm perked his ears, hearing something- someone. The medicine cat picked up the leaf wraps and went to investigate, wondering if it was Ivypaw following his scent or a ShadeClan patrol. But as he neared where he heard the noises, he was overcome by a strong scent of MossClan. His fur went on end. What would MossClan be doing here? Ignoring borders again? Going in for another attack again?

Rabbittail shrugged and started walking back to Mossclan. He froze scenting the unmistakable stench of Shadeclan. 'Oh no...' he paniced. Slowly he unsheathed his claws. Just in case. "H-hey! I know you there!" He yelled hoping for his voice not to stutter.

Sleetstorm perked his ears. He could pinpoint the exact location of the voice. He pushed his way though some bushes to find the MossClan cat. "What are you doing in ShadeClan territory?" he asked, sliding out and regarding the cat with questioning eyes.

Fish grunted softly as her leg hit a tree trunk.

Rabbittail hissed and clutched the mouse even tighter in her jaws. The fluffy tom wasn't one to start fights often. Not to say he didn't know how to end it. His unsheathed claws dig into the earth. "What does it look like."

"You alright?" Splash asked, looking over his shoulder to her.

"I'd say some trespassing," Sleetstorm replied, taking a step back. Being caught by another cat's claws wouldn't be the best thing that would happen to him. "And hunting on another Clan's territory. I didn't need to ask but this was more polite."

"My leg keeps hitting all this forest crap." She spat harshly

Darkwing layed on a rock in camp, he groomed himself while looking around. His tail gently tapped the ground lightly.

Stormpaw (Dark Snow)
Stormpaw got up out of his nest and went to leave the apprentice den.

Rabbittail eyed the tom. The Shadeclan cat was definitely not in a hurry to start a fight ether. "...well I'll be on my way then" he murmured sheathing his claws as he started to walk back to Mossclan. The territory reeked of Shadeclan but something else...Mellowfluff. Or whatever the runaway shecat was calling herself now.

Ivypaw (JayTheBird)
Ivypaw walked out of the apprentice den a sour look on her face. "Ughhhh I don't wanna deal with stupid elders or queens!" She hissed

Stormpaw (Dark Snow)
Stormpaw looked at her, "I can help if you want." He meowed

Ivypaw (JayTheBird)
Ivypaw looked at the other apprentice and rolled her eyes. "What think I can't do it on my own?" She snapped at him.

Stormpaw (Dark Snow)
Stormpaw sighed and took a deep breathe. "No, I just wanted to help so you can get it done faster since you don't want to do it." He meowed with a friendly smile.

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