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“Geez Goodie Tooshoo’s you better wash that mouth of yours with some soap.” Calum’s snarky tone makes me wanna barf.

I pretend to ignore him and simply sit and keep to myself. He starts talking and interrupts the internal peace I had for a few moments.

“I don’t like you Julia. Ya know why?” He turns and sits facing me.

I roll my eyes and glare over at him. “Why.”

“Because you think you need to be like everyone else just to make friends when you don’t have any.”

I don’t say anything. Mainly because I don’t want to start an argument on a crowded bus. Mainly because I don’t want to agree with him.

“And you know it’s true!  That’s the saddest thing about you. You wouldn’t honestly be a pretty girl if your personality wasn’t so damn ugly-“

I turn back and face him, tears threatening to roll down my face.

“That’s enough okay? I don’t wanna sit here and listen to someone I just met tell me how awful of a person I am! Can you just leave me alone.” I close my eyes and take a shaking breath.

… if your personality wasn’t so damn ugly…

“Are you crying? Oh my gosh… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to… God I’m sorry.”

I turn and look at him. His face showed actual concern but it didn’t make up for what he said.

“Whatever. Just stop talking.” I say and look the other direction.

The rest of the bus ride was silent. 2 blocks from my street is where the closest stop was. I pay for the bus ride with a warm smile and start walking down the almost abandoned streets. Cars still buzz by but I was alone.

“Where are you going?” I hear Calums voice behind me. Okay, maybe I wasn’t alone.

“My house. Stop following me!” I say over my shoulder. I turn onto my street and pick up my pace. Calum jogs to catch up with me.

“I’m not, I’m going to my apartment… at least I think I am.” I shake my head. Calum still walks next to me but I decide to ignore him. I cross the street to my building but Calum still stands on the opposite side of the street. I turn around and look at him.

“Well would ya look at that!” He says in a sarcastic voice with excitement.  

“Looks like we’re neighbors!” He says and starts laughing.

I give a face of disgust.

I open the door to my building as I hear Calum speak up again.

“Bye neighbor!”

I slam the door behind me.

< > C.H. POV < >

Around 9 o’clock there’s a banging on my door. I open it to see Luke from work and two other guys standing in my doorway.

“Hey man!” Luke says and pushes past me into my apartment.

“Not too shabby new boy! Oh, these are my friends Ashton and Michael, also known as Idiot 1 and Idiot 2.”

The one with the crazy red colored hair slaps Luke upside the head while the one with the bandana shakes his head.

“Uh sure come in…” I say closing the door.

Boxes were still everywhere and I try to weave around them to get some soda from the fridge.

“Yo, who’s the hot blonde that lives across the street?” Michael asks looking out the giant glass wall that looked out to the building next to us.

I shrug. “I don’t know man I moved in last week.”

“Luke get the binoculars.” Michael says.

“The what?!”

Luke pulls four binoculars out from his back pack.

“Common, doesn’t everyone have binoculars in New York? It’s for the bae watch!”  Ashton says. I shake my head in confusion. “Bay watch?”

“No like bae watch.” Ashton exaggerates the A.

“Like… b – a – e?” I ask. These New Yorkers are crazy.

“Yes! Now get over here!” Luke snaps and I climb over the boxes. He hands me a pair of black binoculars.

“Hey! How come I get the pink ones?” Ashton whines.

“Because we’re at his house and you’re the extra one.” Michael says and puts the binoculars up to his eyes.

“The what?!” Ashton cries but Luke shushes him.

“Dude!” He says and slaps me in the arm.

“It’s that Julia chick from work!” I give him a weird look. We all put our binoculars up to our faces and look across the street and up a floor.

To my surprise it actually was Julia. She was standing in her kitchen cooking something and singing to herself. She broke out into a little dance. I laugh. I’ve found the real Julia.

I take a step back and put my foot on something by accident. My stereo starts blaring music. I look down and pick up my wireless remote to my speakers.

“TURN IT DOWN!”  Luke shouts without taking his face away from the blonde.

“Oh dude! She sees us! Oh crap…” I walk over to the window and put the binoculars up to my face. I see Julia run into another room. Crap.

In a minute she runs back out with a big notebook. She holds one side against the glass with an annoyed look on her face.  

I read the sign.

“P E R V S!”


So the binoculars thing is a joke i made with @exluke but i wanted to include it in my story so here if is hahahaha. 


Loner City //  a.u Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now