"You love him dont you" Leonite says coldly as Vrtra walks back over to him.
"Of course I do,I love all of you...your my family" she answers trying to act cheerfull.
"Not like that V" Leonite replies, answered by the warlocks silence,
"Why didnt you tell him...you dont honestly think hes coming back do you..." he scolds the warlock before leaving her for his words to sting. Vrtra had been trying not to think about Ryder dying to...but Uldrin killed a member of the vanguard...he could quite easily kill a normal guardian. But Ryder wasn't a normal guardian...he was the King Slayer...Uldrin couldn't kill him too...could he?‐-------------------------------------------------------
"Ikora do you have a minute" Vrtra asks steping down the steps of the courtyard.
"Of course Guardian" She answer her eyes still puffy from crying.
"I was thinking...if I...died...when i fell in the cave...maybe...none of this would of happened" The exo stutters.
Ikoras face falls to pity as she embraces her student,"dont think like that...this wasnt your fault Vrtra...Uldrin and Zarlitha dont have anything to do with each other".
"How do we know that...maybe by me waking up what ever that thing was has set a whole chain of events in motions" Vrtra bables as Ikora hushes her.
"Always looking for conspiracies" Ikora jokes trying to cheer Vrtra up.
"Im worried...that maybe Zarlitha let me go for a reason...i think i have a part to play in all this and it scares me...if anything happens to me...promise me Ikora...youll look after the others!" Vrtra begs catching the vanguard by surprise.
"I will" she answers embracing Vrtra tighter.

Destiny : Phoenix Rising (Original)
Science Fiction---------------------------‐-------------------- Like fire,we burn brighter in the darkness ‐------------------🔥🔥🔥--------------------- In the aftermath of the Red War, The last survivors members of a strike team go out on their own to become l...