Miracle: Part 2 [Aziraphale X Reader]

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The M25 was never fun to be on, even for angels and demons. Aziraphale found it absolutely terrifying to be on whenever Crowley was weaving in and out cars, even going off the road from time-to-time. Aziraphale had one hand planted firmly against the roof of the car and another was gripping onto the door of the Bentley. His eyes were wide and his jaw was clenched tightly. In fact, his whole body was wound up into a tight knot.

"Crowley, please, would you slow down?" he managed to ask and shut his eyes tightly as Crowley barely managed to squeeze between two cars to get to another lane.

"What? It's not my fault they're all going too slow," Crowley hissed but did ease up on the gas pedal.

"Yes, well, you were the one responsible for this roadway's design," Aziraphale noted. Crowley grumbled to himself.

The pair were on their way back from Tadfield after having checked up on Adam. They wanted to make sure that Heaven and Hell weren't trying to influence him or otherwise harm the poor boy in an attempt to restart Armageddon. However, it seemed that their worries were for nothing.

Crowley suddenly swore. He got locked in on all sides and couldn't work his way around the traffic. He hit the steering wheel and leaned back while glancing in every direction to see if there was any possible way to go any faster. After realizing that he was indeed stuck, he took one hand off the steering wheel.

"Well, this is a nice change of pace," Aziraphale stated and nodded his head while relaxing ever so slightly. "You know, the most peculiar thing happened the other da—"

A tour bus in front of the Bentley suddenly swerved. Pieces of tire shredded and flew into the air. Metal crunched against metal. Tires shrieked against the rough pavement and smoke from an airbag filled the air.

"Shit!" Crowley slammed his foot on the brake. He winced at how the Bently sounded.

Traffic stood still in silence. Aziraphale was the first to react and quickly got out of the Bentley. He ran towards the wrecked vehicle and bus, ignoring his demonic friend calling after him. He felt bile rise up in his throat when he looked at the munched car. He swallowed it down and quickly began to work his miracles.

Blood ran back up into a cut on your head, it sealed in just a matter of seconds. Bones started popping back into place and the cracks mended together. Internal hemorrhages healed. All damage seemingly healed, even though it would have all been fatal.

Once he was finished healing, Aziraphale took a look at you and gasped. He realized you were the same person he was just going to tell Crowley about. You were the same person that would have fallen into the street if it wasn't for him. Death must really have you on his list.

You groaned and your eyes fluttered open. Slowly, you moved your head away from the inflated steering wheel and looked out your window. Standing there, a man was silhouetted in light. For a moment, you could have sworn you saw a halo above his head. You could have sworn that he was an angel.

"There, there, it's going to be alright," he cooed and slowly helped you out of your car. Even his voice sounded heavenly.

"What happened?" you asked still feeling dazed. You leaned into this stranger's body while trying to get your vision to clear up.

"You were in an accident, my dear. It's a miracle you're alright."

"My...dear...Miracle?" you mumbled. That phrase and that word with that voice sounded so familiar. You tried to figure out just who this person was as he led you to the side of the roadway. You were still in a state of shock to really comprehend exactly what was going on.

"Here," the man said and took off his jacket before draping it over your shoulders. He helped you sit down and checked over your body, making sure there weren't any injuries still on you. "It seems as though your body was in shock when you were injured and is still processing it," he mumbled to himself, but you couldn't process exactly what he was saying.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" you asked and held the jacket close to you.

Aziraphale froze, not knowing what to say. He didn't want to risk his secret being exposed, but he also didn't want to lie. "I own a bookshop, I think I've seen you in there before," he said. It wasn't a lie. After he had saved you from falling in the road, he had you come inside for a cup of tea to calm your nerves.

"Well, no one on the bus is hurt," a new voice sounded. Crowley came sauntering over and looked down at you. "They alright?"

"Yes," Aziraphale confirmed. "Just a bit out of it is all."

"Right, didn't get carried away asking the Lord to heal the car?"

"No, I did not! Thank you very much."

You looked up at the pair confused. Though, the sun was in your eyes so you couldn't get a good look of their faces. Sirens echoed in the distance and took your attention off of them. When you looked back, they were gone.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to just leave them there?" Aziraphale asked Crowley who managed to get the Bentley out of the traffic jam.

"They'll be fine."

Aziraphale still looked unsure. He went to adjust his jacket but froze. "I left my jacket!"

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