391 37 13

ashtonofbricks: good morning beautiful
ashtonofbricks: i hope you have a good day

caluminthehood: it's 10am already

ashtonofbricks: so
ashtonofbricks: i meant what i said
ashtonofbricks: have a good day

caluminthehood: i will now
caluminthehood: are you going on a job today?

ashtonofbricks: yeah

caluminthehood: who is it this time

ashtonofbricks: some middle-aged loser
ashtonofbricks: bought some prostitutes that he couldn't afford
ashtonofbricks: refuses to pay

caluminthehood: so you have to kill him?

ashtonofbricks: most likely
ashtonofbricks: i really don't like doing this

caluminthehood: i'm sorry
caluminthehood: but ew
caluminthehood: how are people straight
caluminthehood: i don't care who they love
caluminthehood: it doesn't matter
caluminthehood: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 y'know
caluminthehood: support everyone
caluminthehood: but i don't understand
caluminthehood: being gay is so much better

ashtonofbricks: yeah it is
ashtonofbricks: okay
ashtonofbricks: i need to go

caluminthehood: wait what time is it for you

ashtonofbricks: around 3am
ashtonofbricks: you're 17 (ish) hours ahead of me
ashtonofbricks: crazy huh

caluminthehood: i'm already in tomorrow
caluminthehood: and today just started for you

ashtonofbricks: where are you again

caluminthehood: i come from the land down under

ashtonofbricks: oh yeah

caluminthehood: and based on my geographical knowledge (and google)
caluminthehood: you're in L.A

ashtonofbricks: yeah

caluminthehood: oh my god
caluminthehood: that's f A R
caluminthehood: why are you even talking to me
caluminthehood: im fairly certain there is hot guys in l.a that (by default) are in the same time zone as you

ashtonofbricks: yes well i wanna talk to you
ashtonofbricks: what % am i at

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: 65 %
caluminthehood: sure

ashtonofbricks: eienaondaondja sosksbska sosksb
ashtonofbricks: 💞❤️🏳️‍🌈💋💗❤️💓💗💖💕💞💝💞💓💘

caluminthehood: you need to leave you said
caluminthehood: go kill a sonofabitch
caluminthehood: gah
caluminthehood: h o t

ashtonofbricks: kinky little shit

caluminthehood: oh shut up you love it

ashtonofbricks: i do
ashtonofbricks: okay
ashtonofbricks: i'll talk to you later

caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: as much as i want you to talk to me
caluminthehood: you need to sleep

ashtonofbricks: okay fine
ashtonofbricks: goodbye

caluminthehood: bye bye ash

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]


17 hours isn't exactly correct but you guys probably don't care, and these two are not portrayed as the smartest human beings


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