Part 88

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"Because Jonathan was raised by the dark forest leaders. I don't care what you say, I will go alone."

The tom opened his mouth to protest with; "All of them were!" but shut his trap, feeling as if this argument wouldn't get them anywhere. Fish was very strong on her position. Splash had to admit that she was right. He couldn't be there with her.

"You can keep tabs on me by hiding in a tree if your really bothered by it but you cannot let him see you."

"If that's the wisest thing for me to do in your books, then so be it," Splash nodded curtly, his eyes focused on a piece of moss beside Fish's feet.

"We gotta go now though. Jonathan needs his sister back." Fish sighed

Splash's eyes snapped back to her. "Are you mad?!" he said, exasperated, "You're seriously not going to confront this dead and dangerous cat on an empty stomach with no sleep?!"

Fish glared at him and said nothing "I'm his sister, he won't hurt me."

"Well, I also had myself in mind too," he meowed, a grin creeping over his face. "Let's not put this prey to waste! At least have something." He pushed the dead squirrel over to her from where he dropped it.

"You eat, I'm gonna try and piece back my memories to try and figure out where he is."

"Just get some rest, okay? That sounds like hard work. Just do that small favor for me. Please?" he glanced down at the dead squirrel at their paws.

Fish flicked an ear and closed her eyes. She would find her brother, she had to

She ignored splash and is looking for Jonathan

Splash bent down and took a bite from the kill. He felt rather guilty in letting Fish do all of this work and not get a single drop of energy. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty. But he had the squirrel after all.

Fish winced as she thought long and hard before she gasped "Jonathan!" She turned around and hurried out of the clearing, not thinking to wait for Splash

Willowshard growled softly as the pain shot through her body over and over again

The medicine cat raised his head and looked at the others surrounding him. "I'll run back to the den and get everything ready. Take her back." He nodded curtly before turning and hurrying away.

The white and brown tom snapped his head up. He attempted to call out for her but stopped. She didn't want anyone to know that he was tailing her, right? He sighed and abandoned the almost untouched squirrel.

Sparrowsky's mouth was tight. She looked over to Softleopard. "I have Spiritkit. You take Willowshard. I can help you if you need it." She suppressed a shiver as she looked down at the kit's mother.

Fish and Jonathan
Fish kept walking until she saw her brother stood quite calmly in the middle of a clearing with bloody claws "You took your time." He growled gently

"I came alone," Fish assured him "I just wanna talk to you."

"I knew you'd come eventually. . .its kind of ironic." Jonathan meowed "Considering all those moons when I needed you and you were never there."

Fish frowned and walked closer slowly "Well I'm here for you now. . ."

Softleopard nodded gently and picked up the wounded she-cat and placed her on her back

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