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Chapter Nineteen —
Judgement Day

"You have to kill him or let him be

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"You have to kill him or let him be."

Elle's words about Campbell lingered on Rosa's mind for the entire day.

Yesterday, Sasha had finally managed to convince Elle to talk to Allie. She didn't reveal much, and Rosa wondered whether she was being purposely vague for a reason.

After spending most of the night discussing what Dewey's punishment should be, Rosa was exhausted, and Allie clearly was too. So that night, against everyone's bitter judgment, Campbell was released on lack of evidence.

Rosa couldn't help thinking that it was the wrong decision. Campbell was capable of anything. But that was the problem. Capable. Allie's reasonings to let him go were completely correct; they couldn't just lock him up as a precaution.

When it was time for Dewey's sentencing, Rosa joined everybody in the town hall. She sat quietly beside Sasha, who was nervously drumming her fingernails against the wooden bench.

Allie made her way to the microphone at the front of the room. "I had two decisions to make," she began. "Two rulings. First, Campbell. This court is not about vengeance. It's about fairness and justice. The only evidence we have against Campbell, which is from Dewey himself, is unreliable. Without evidence, there can be no trial. So last night, I ordered that Campbell be released from custody."

The crowd broke out into whispers of shock and disbelief.

"It was the right thing to do," Allie justified, raising her voice again to be heard. "As for Dewey he's been found guilty of murder, and the punishment for murder is death."

It was as if the world stopped spinning for a moment, the entire room gasping in astonishment at her ruling, some even rising to their feet with shouts of protest. Having been there when Allie made the decision last night, Rosa was not shocked. She remained completely still, staring ahead, her lips drawn together in a thin line.

"Are you kidding me?!" Dewey exclaimed, starting forwards. Jason grabbed him roughly, tugging him backwards. "What? Are you gonna kill me?"

"Let this be a warning to anyone who even thinks about using violence on anyone in this town," Allie continued firmly. The room began to fall quiet again. "We will respond. Eye for an eye."

"This is not a court!" Dewey shouted, his voice straining to be heard. "You are fucking crazy. You hear me? You got no right!" He yelled. Luke and Jason wrapped their hands around his arms, dragging him away. "I'm gonna fucking kill you, bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Then you'll be dead just like your sister!" He continued to yell, until he was almost out the church. "Fucking crazy bitch!"

Rosa watched as Allie's hard exterior begin to crumble, tears gently falling against her cheeks. A sickening feeling settled in her stomach, as she began to realise the extent to what they were about to do. But the truth was, they really didn't have much of a choice.

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