Chapter 13

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Like my pic of Spider? I drew it myself. Look at it On DeviantArt. Find me a Taliisa!


The grass parted as Silverpaw slipped through to see her sister.

"Skypaw?" She purred then coughed as the scent of herbs and plants filled her nose.

Skypaw wasn't there. Instead, the calico she-cat, Mothberry, was there.

"Silverpaw! Did you need something? Are you hurt?"she asked kindly.

Silverpaw shook her head. "No, just looking for Skypaw."

Mothberry purred. "She went out for herbs with Owlflight."

Silverpaw flinched at the brown tabby's name. She avoided him as much as possible ever since she was a kit.

"Thanks." She smiled at the calico she-cat and bounded our the den.

She saw Spiderclaw padding towards her. "Silverpaw, where are you going?"

Silverpaw turned to him. "To find Skypaw."

"I'm coming with you." He said and started to walk,l towards the exit, twining their tails together.

"I can go by myself, you know."

Spiderclaw nodded. "I know."

"Then I can go by myself." Silverpaw pressed against him.

Spiderclaw shook his head. "Nah. I'll go with you."

Silverpaw glanced at him and flattened her ears. "I'm not a kit."

He replied without looking at her. "I know." He mumbled.

They made their way up a ridge and caught the two cat's scent. Silverpaw untwined her tail and bounded down the slope to feel something in her fur.

"Silverpaw!" Spiderclaw shouted and hurried after her.

She had no idea why he was treated her like this. But she figured it had something to do with the battle.

She ran and saw the brown tabby and the gray she-cat searching the ground.

Skypaw turned to her and ran over to her, her tail high in the air. "Silverpaw! I'm glad you're here! Wanna help? Oh! And Spiderclaw!"

Silverpaw purred. "I have to tell you something."

Skypaw settles down and curled her tail around her paws. "Okay."

Silverpaw glances at the toms. "Alone." She whispered.

Spiderclaw hesitated before following Owlflight up the slope and talked, Spiderclaw keeping in eye on them.

"What up?" She smiled.

Silverpaw finally got a chance to talk to her. "Why are you so happy?!" She hissed.

She fumbled with her paws and the plants between them and looked at her sister.

"Every one in our family is dead! And you are so happy! Spiderclaw is treating me like a kit and I will never become a warrior!" Tears formed in her eyes and she blinked, trying to hide them.

Skypaw's eyes filled with wisdom as she spoke and she spoke clearly and truthfully. " Dovepaw is not dead. And Lavenderflame and Stormfire hunt with Starclan now." She paused, still holding her gaze. I'm not 'happy' as you would say...just hopeful." She sighed. "I'm sure Spiderclaw cares so much about you and wants nothing to happen to you." There was a little regret behind her voice as if she wanted a mate herself.

Silverpaw looked down, thinking about the black and grey tom. She looked over and saw his amber eyes staring at her, love and wanting crowded them.

"You will become a warrior." Skypaw said.

"I have no mentor."

"Cloudstar will figure something out soon." She picked up her herbs, showing she made her point and padded to Owlflight and Spiderclaw, Silverpaw trailing behind.


Silverpaw settled in her nest as night fell over the land. She sighed, wanting nothing more than just have her mother, father, and sister back. She wanted the battle to never happen and hoped that the clans will see how stupid they were being.

Willowpaw was huddled in the corner, her amber eyes piercing the darkness. She knew she was sad too. She lost a lot as well. Willowpaw and Silverpaw were the only apprentices and they both kept their distance. Silverpaw wanted to talk to her and actually be friends but Willowpaw always pushed her away.

Silverpaw dozed off, her claw digging in the moss of her bed.

Stars shone around her and there was not a tree in sight. Only fireflies and the dancing grass.

Lavenderflame and Stormfire sat there, side by side, looking at her. Their pelt shimmered with stars as the wind blew their fur.

Silverpaw looked at them, speechless and careful walked over to them. Her mother's familiar scent washed over her and she told her self not to cry.

"Lavenderflame? Stormfire?"

They smiled at her and Stormfire stood up. "Silverpaw."

They all embraced in a deep nuzzle, purrs from each of them.

"Where's Dovepaw?" She asked quickly.

Her parents smiled. "She's not dead."

Relief washed over her like a wave. "She is?!"

They nodded and Silverpaw touched their muzzles again. "How come you visited me?"

"We visited Skypaw and Dovepaw also." Lavenderflame meowed.

Silverpaw got a jealous feeling that she was the last one to visit but she pushed it aside. That's why Skypaw was so "happy".

She smiled and purred loudly.

"We love you we are very proud. Watch out Silverpaw, danger is coming and your life will be changed." Stormfire said.

"What?" Silverpaw asked quickly but they faded away in the night and Silverpaw woke up with a gasp.


I'm telling you guys. Love your parents cause their not always going to be around. They do so much for you. (Happy father's Day almost)

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