Embarrassing! (Short Story)

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So this doesn't take place in a specific time...
So go crazy! Go stupid! 

For once, everything was at peace in the world. There was no threat of danger lurking around the corner. In fact, it seemed like danger wouldn't show its face around the Avengers anytime soon. So, they were all able to let their guard down and just be themselves. Maybe just a little too much.

Clint was whistling to himself, strolling down one of the hallways. He was headed to the kitchen in hopes of finding something decent to eat since there never seemed to be any food around. Probably didn't help that they were always gone on missions or anywhere but here.

As he was minding his own business, a smirk grew on his face. A terrible prank was beginning to form in his head. He just needed some backup. Lots of backup.

"So, why are we doing this again?" Bruce asked as the group of them huddled just outside of the door.

"Because. It'll be pretty funny." Clint said, shrugging his shoulder. "Plus, I'm bored anyways."

"I mean, I don't see why not." Tony agreed.

"Could be fun." Steve said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Natasha asked, a smile growing on her face as well. "Let's get started."

Everyone took their positions, ready to plan the world's best prank. Well, maybe not the world's best, but it had to be pretty close. Clint gently opened the door, hoping it wasn't enough for Thor to notice. Steve handed the bucket of water off to Natasha, who carefully placed it on top.

The three of them turned around and nodded to the other two. "Thor, can you come here?" Bruce asked, hoping his smile wasn't evident in his voice.

"Yeah, God of Thunder, you've got a lot of explaining to do." Tony shouted, trying to sound angry. He also couldn't help to softly smirk in excitement.

"What could I have possibly done now?" He asked, clearly getting closer and closer to the door.

"It's terrible. You're in huge trouble with Fury." Tony said, trying to keep from smiling. Suddenly, the door was whipped open and the bucket of water completely drenched the blonde from head to toe.

Everyone began to laugh, exclaiming what his face looked like and how good they got him. Thor stood there, taking it all in. "Oh, I see. This was a joke." He said, with a small smile. "Very clever." He nodded as everyone continued to laugh. "You got me good."

As everyone began to calm down, something caught Clint's eyes. He slowly walked into Thor's room, needing to get a better view. Gently, he picked up one of the items, examining it. "Thor, is this what I think it is?" He asked, getting everyone's attention.

Thor flipped around, quickly rushing back. "No. Put that down."

"Oh, my God. You have a collection of succulents?" Natasha exclaimed, jumping to her feet. Everyone rushed in, wanting to get a look.

"Why do you have so many?" Tony asked, picking up one of the small plants.

"They keep me company. They just sit so nicely in my window." Thor defended, feeling his cheeks heating up.

"Company? Do you talk to them?" Steve asked, tilting his head to get a good look at the plant.

Thor stood silent as everyone's eyes studied him. "Oh, my God. You totally do." Natasha grinned.


"Yes! Look, you're blushing!" She exclaimed, pointing to his cheeks.

"It is completely normal to talk to the sweet, little creatures." He defended, taking them out of everyone's hands.

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