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Tyler jolted awake. A black figure stood on the other side of the room.

"I know you thought you were starting to get rid of me. You thought you were winning. Well guess what, Bud? You aren't"

"Go away. I don't care" He said with his raspy voice.

He didn't really have to be quiet because he was alone. At his grandparents' house each kid got their own room. So Tyler didn't have to share one with Zack.

Tyler's house was smaller because it was the house his father grew up in. His father was an only child. Tyler obviously wasn't an only child but according to Chris, he wanted to raise his children in the same house.

On the other hand, his mother had three other siblings so she had a bigger house. Tyler was sleeping in her old room.

It was the classic ugly pink. But in the dark, it looked like a terrifying gray. Shadow were around every corner. The shadows never left him alone.

One particular shadow was shaped like himself. This one tilted it's head at him.

"The spirits in the dark are waiting for you"

"I wanna go home" He whispered.

"Your hometown's in the dark too. There's no hiding"


"You know... You can stop me with this"

Tyler looked up slowly. Blurry was on the other side of the room holding something in the dark. The moonlight made it glisten.

He knew exactly what it was.

Don't use it! It's too risky

Oh shut it Jim! He can use it if he wants to! Tyler, do you want to? You should but I'm not going to force-

Don't listen to those two dorks! They don't know shit

"Listen to me"

Listen to him

Don't listen!

Blurry came closer to the bed. Tyler's breathing got more uneven.

He held out his black hand and opened it for Tyler to see.

"How'd you get that? I flushed them all down the toilet. Mom was there with me so I know I did. It was real"

"But am I real?"


"If I wasn't real then how are you talking to me?"

Tyler thought about that before. He didn't know what to believe.

"Come on. You know you need it! You haven't used it in over a month!"

Tyler set his jaw and looked straight into Blurryface's eyes, "Yeah! In over a month! That's a good thing but your jackass self can't realize it! So fuck. Off."

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