58) Thoughtless celebration

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Koy's POV:

We did it. Everybody cheered as we all slowly walked to the glowing, bright and yellow zapfish. Everyone had their eyes on it, up until Marina walked up to it and took it from our sights.

"All we have to do now is connect it to our power supply and no one should die right after!"

"How long does it take?" Marie asked curiously.

"Around a twenty minute walk or so, it's filled with security though so squid jumping through isn't a good idea."

"I understand that, guess we have time to polish up our duties."

"What do you mean?"

Marie looked towards Rachel, Kai and Joe. "You guys go get Tess. It's been a while but I kinda wanna see the completed friend group... and don't dawdle."

The entire group of three smiled and we all watched as a tender moment was formed thanks to Rachel dashing to the tower. As Joe and Kai helped her drag Tess to the area, we all looked at her.

"You guys still wanna know Tess' secret?" Rachel looked towards me after Marie said this. "Especially you Koy, Tess tells me you were the most desperate."

"Me? I was. But now I'm not."

"Good guy."

Marie did a gentle smiled at me and finally walked up to Rachel, Kai and Joe to speak. At that moment, Tess' eyes woke up.

"Where am I?"

"Tess, it's me!" Rachel slumped to her level.

"Who... are you?"


"Koy, I think she's still a little hearing-impaired."

"She gonna open her lazy eyes then?"

We all stepped back a bit, aside from the initial group and Marie. They all carefully helped Tess up and we all saw how weak she was; Tess no longer had the capability or confidence to get up from the floor.

"Tess, it's me Rachel, and I know you hate me, but I'm going to finally know your secret even though you didn't want me to. Please forgive me, but I promise it's for your own good and if you don't want me to listen... then I'll leave your life forever."


"Sit boy!" Marie swayed her arm and stopped me from approaching.

I gritted my teeth and continued to see the scene unfolding. Tess slowly in a turtle-like pace, raised her arm but brought it down in the end.

"I..." She spoke. "I... don't..."

"... want me to hear?"

"I... don't... want you to... thin-"


We all halted and turned around. It was an octoling with a mask on her head. Everyone jumped in front of Tess like a shield.

"That was a good knockout. I'm surprised a traitorous scum such as Marina could block out my sight for a short time."

We all turned to Marina. "Just like Tess?!"

The kind octoling got out her weapon and spoke in a harsh tone. "Don't get the wrong idea. All octolings were thought the anatomy of inklings for years, I simply used those same tricks on her. She disarmed Tess!"

It all made sense. The octoling suddenly sprained herself. She screamed in pain and glorified it into a cackling laughter. We all heard her.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" It was unsettling. "My revenge is near. I couldn't kill agent 2, but now agent 4 is JUST as weak as me. I'm coming for her, AND NOBODY WILL GET IN MY WAY!!!!"

We all ran in her way. The girl squid-jumped and landed beside us. Suddenly, a solid punch was made.

The final punch to kill Tess. With no electricity restored yet, this was her death.

I screamed. All of the moments I had with Rachel were never for this outcome. My best friend's world was falling apart. Everything I worked for. Everything we worked for.

In a primal instinct, we all ran to the octoling. We all ran, because we were Tess' friends!


You gonna continue the bundle?

Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister
26. Octo shower as the fourth boss encounter
27. Mask as the new octoling in town

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