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---Hadrian's POV---

Everything is dark but I can hear Tom's voice far away, I try to pull towards the voice. It takes some time but suddenly I can hear it clear and I try to open my eyes. I hear the door open and soon I feel Sev take my other hand so I take all my power and lightly squeeze both my hands, they squeeze back. After about 10 minutes just try to open my eyes it works I blink at the sudden light, I see my mates and tries to talk, but I can't. Sev sees that I'm about to panic so he calls on Poppy. She comes and sees that I'm awake
"Oh, thank Merlin you are wake, I'm sorry I could not save your voice but it can come back with a very complex spell, I think it is one in parsel but I'm not sure"
Silent tears starts streaming down my face at the thought of my mates and new found family rejecting me. Sev is the one who notices first and comes over and pulls me onto his lap
"What is wrong my little angel"
When he reminds that I can't talk he simply transform two flowers that Poppy put on my bed table.
Aren't you going to reject me?
"Of course not, you are our angel and will forever be"
Smile and snuggle deeper into his chests
"What did you do with them?"
I look at Tom and then I give Sev a questioning look
"We figured out that it was Weasley and Granger that put something in your potion for it to explode. I took 200 points each and Weasley have detention with me the rest of the year and Granger with McGonagall, she also took 100 points each"
I smile and wave over Tom to us, I hug him and then he starts to pet my ears and Sev's fingers creep towards the base on my tail, I hear the curtains around my bed shut and I feel silencing and privacy wards go up around us, I hiss out in pleasure
~Ohh, right there Daddy~
Tom smirks and translate to Sev
"How do you now?"
"He can speak parsel"
"Okay come here angel, let's return to Draco, he has been worried to death"
I pout, but follows him and after a few steps I can feel Tom slither up my leg and lay down around my neck with his head on mine
~Hey Tom, why can I speak parsel?~
~You don't use your voice in the same way as when you speak normally~
After that we walk in silence. When we get into the common room I get crushed by a hug, from a very relieved Draco
"Ohh, I'm so happy you are okay, I was so worried"
I just smiled and then looked over to Sev to explain
"He is going to be mute for some time, he can speak parsel but other he needs to write"
Draco look at me and worried thoughts starts to pop up, my eyes began to tear up
"What's wrong Had?"
I look at Sev and he starts explain
"He is scared that you don't want to be with him any more"
He pulls me into a tight hug and I snuggle closer to him. After some time I let go of Draco and walk over and hug Sev, some of the other Slytherins gasps
"What you have seen today will not leave this room, understood?"
"Yes Professor"
He gently kiss my forehead
"Good night"
I walk to mine and Draco's room with Tom hissing to everyone who stared.


I'm sorry for the short chapter I will try to update soon again!

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