Chapter 5: Mission Gremory: Rogue Nation

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      It was after classes. The sun had started to set, casting an orange glow across the sky.

Y/N was closing in on the gates. Other students were also leaving but it wasn't as packed as Y/N had expected, not that he was complaining.

"Y/N-kun~" A voice rang out. The sultriness in their tone was enough for not only Y/N to stop walking, but for the others who'd heard it to also stop in their tracks.

Akeno approached Y/N. Her hips were swaying, letting her hair swing from one side of her body to the other. The sun cast a shadow on her face that somehow made her even more attractive.

"Hey, Y/N-kun," She said again, coming to a halt in front of him.

Y/N could feel the eyes of those around them staring at them. There was a range of emotions from anger to jealousy.

The cute look on Akeno's face caused a bit of a blush to form on Y/N's face. Why was this happening to him?

"Hello, Akeno-chan, SAN!...Akeno-san!" He quickly corrected his mistake but the damage had already been down.

"Ara ara. Chan, hmm?" She leaned in a bit closer, pissing off a few more people in the crowd.

"I'm sorry, Akeno-san. It was an accident. Please don't be mad at me," Y/N apologised, hoping she wouldn't get angry at him, but it was actually quite the opposite.

"I'm not mad, Y/N-kun. Please, call me whatever you want~" She finished with a very flirtatious wink.

Y/N suddenly found the blush on his face to become uncontrollably red and he was unable to stop stuttering. He couldn't form a single word.

Akeno placed her fingers over her mouth let out an adorable laugh. "Come on. We need to go to the Occult Research Club building."

Surprisingly, she grabbed his hand and started leading him away from the crowd of students and to the forest behind the main school building.

Y/N managed to suppress his blush as he caught up to Akeno who reluctantly let go of his hand.

"What's this all about?" He asked, hoping it was serious enough for him to forget all about what just happened.

"I'll tell you when we get there, come on," She grabbed his hand once again and moved quicker than him.

The blush returned on his face as she pulled him by his hand. He couldn't help but feel how soft hers were.

She led him to the hidden building to discuss a matter Y/N now needed to be important. This hand-holding was the most he'd ever interacted with a woman before, and he'd be damned if he'd let her find that out.


One of the doors to the main room in Occult Research Club opened up, letting both Akeno and Y/N walk in. Akeno had her hands clasped together, in front of her while Y/N had his in his pockets, hoping it would be enough for her to stop trying to hold them.

Sitting on the couch with a crestfallen expression was Issei. It appeared as if the table in front of him was the most important thing in the world.

Akeno sneakily went behind him, making Y/N raise an eyebrow. She winked at Y/N before lifting herself above the back of the couch.

"She'd not pissed off, you know, she'd just worried about you, silly boy," She interrupted his self-loathing session.

"AHH! Issei yelled in surprise, flinging himself onto the couch with an arm raised and his eyes wide. "Akeno-san. You scared me."

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