"Dude? What the hell?" Dean asked and finally pull his arm out ofSam's hand when he got him through the dining room and into thekitchen two rooms away from the angels. "Bitch." He growled outbefore pausing thinking about it and gasped, "did Gabriel dosomething to you?" He demanded but Sam held his arms up shaking hishead and Dean relaxed slightly.
"No. We just talked, he did absolutely nothing to me, barelytouched me." He assured and Dean relaxed more.
"Talk about what?" He asked and Sam looked away as he admittedit.
"You and heaven." He said and Dean frowned thinking about whathad happened when he had seen Sam's happiest memories. It was prettyhard to forget that his little brother's best and most happy memorywas leaving Dean. Leaving and never looking back.
"Yeah...he didn't watch the entire reel and neither did we." Helooked over at Dean who now seemed confused, "apparently the wholething will be in heaven you go through all your happiest memories,living through your life just seeing the best parts over and overagain." He looked into Dean's green eyes and groaned when he sawthat his older brother who was normally quick on the uptake didn'tget it. "Do you think that my first happy memory was when I waseighteen years old Dean?" He asked and that struck Dean short.
"You had other good memories?" He asked and Sam's own hazel eyeswidened as he heard a hint of pain there and Sam realized how bad hehad done to not speak up about this. He listened to Dean's constantinsistence of no chick flick moments he should have made Dean talk.
"Dean that time you made me homemade pie so I could talk to theother kids about homemade treats, when you taught me how to ride thatold blue bike you stole from the skating rink, the time you grabbedme and took me to the bowling alley even though dad told you to stayin the hotel room were all more happy memories." He assured andDean remembered all those, but had never thought they meant so muchto Sam. "Listen Dean, I know I went to college and didn't contactyou, but it wasn't because I didn't care about you, we both wanted ahome and I couldn't see you ever being happy in a 'apple pie life'not yet. I was sure that you did want the same thing as I did, butthat you weren't ready. I would be there when you were." He thenstarted laughing and Dean glared at him.
"What's so funny?"
"Just how...self-righteous and stupid I was." He sighed and gaveDean a significant look, "I was sure that you wanted the same thingI did, I didn't think you wanted this life. And I thought I didn'teither. I might not care for hunting but I like helping people." Headded and smiled, "and I will one day stop hunting, but no matterwhen that comes, I still want you in my life." He assured and Deanrelaxed slightly knowing that he wouldn't lose his baby brother nomatter what.
"Yeah well...you'd never get rid of me regardless, I'd have stillkept an eye on you. So let's stop with this chick flick crap beforewe turn into chicks." He said and Sam gave a grin knowing how Deanfelt about getting emotional so held back on teasing him walking backover to where their angels were. Seeing the obvious relief in the setof Sam's shoulders and the slightly more relaxed facial muscles ofDean both angels relaxed knowing their mates were feeling better.
"Hey you two, Cas and I were just thinking of running out andgetting something to eat, I don't much feel like cooking. Anyrequests?" Gabriel asked and Castiel looked at him and was about toquestion it but Gabriel began talking to. "Salad and tea,cheeseburger and coke." He added and having the nod there was aflutter of wings as he disappeared and Castiel followed him not evenhalf a second later.
They were back by the time Dean and Sam had just been able to talkabout their own plans and how the bond might change or make theirplans feel more like what was meant to be. Sam had always thought hewould marry and have a family, Dean had planned to probably die oneday on a hunt, or become grizzled like Bobby, and help other youngerhunters as he got them what help he could.
Now Dean wanted to live, wanted to be able to spend as much time ashe could with Castiel. Sam's plans hadn't changed even if he knewthat Gabriel and he could never have a family in the traditionalsense he...he didn't want any family like that without Gabriel.Perhaps the archangel and himself along with Dean and Castiel couldbe their own family. A strange weird family but a family none theless, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Gabriel was back in a moment holding two food bags while Castiel hada tray of four to go cups. The brown bag was from a nearby diner thatwas more like a gastro pub then a diner and was more healthy then thegreasy diners the brothers usually ate at. There were two chickenceaser salads (Gabriel worried about Sam getting the protein that hismate needed) and Castiel had gotten two side salads (knowing thatDean needed more vegetables in his diet).
Dean glared as he saw one of the side salads was for him, but theglare into his eyes that came from Castiel's own blue ones he knewexactly who it was that had decided to pick up the side.Gabriel had one as well and obviously wasn't happy either. Happierthen Dean but far from happy with it.
Eventually Dean agreed, not because Castiel wanted him to of course,but because he didn't want his burger to get cold. And he only atethe salad as he ate the burger was because Dean hated one thing morethen the rabbit food was warm rabbit food and the burger to wash downthe gross food that never filled him up. He was not whipped.
Which he would tell himself until the day he died, no matter how muchlying he was doing to himself.
Sam meanwhile was holding back his laughter at the looks of disgustfrom Dean and Gabriel humming at his own salad sipping his tea as heand Castiel smirked at each other at the looks on their own mate'sand brother's faces.
If Dean had known that Castiel had picked up two personalized rhubarbpies both enough for two people he would have forced the salad downwith gusto. However it was a happy surprise when at the end of themeal Castiel pulled out the personalized pie and he shared it withhis ravenous mate with a scoop of ice cream on top.
Sam rolled his eyes at Gabriel's excitement but still had some aswell. Never having tried rhubarb pie before he ate it shocked at thealmost stalked yet sweet taste and texture of the filling. Itcomplimented the sweetness of the ice cream and he found he reallyliked it. It wasn't in your face pie which being the brother of Deanhe got more then enough of, especially with two apple pies he wouldkill someone if he had to even look at more apple pie. But this wasso different it was more then good enough and he could easily eatmore rhubarb pie then. Especially if it meant being fed by Gabrieland feeding the trickster himself.
I love brotherlylove Winchester Brothers. Like you guys have no idea.
By Their Grace
FanfictionDean loves pie and is oblivious. Castiel is blunt but doesn't understand human manners. Sam is a book worm scared of strange things. And Gabriel is...Gabriel. They shouldn't work, they shouldn't be able to stand each other. But they do. Somehow they...