Y- babyyyyyy
C- what
Y- I need a massageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
C- Seriously its 2 A.M
Y- ik but my back hurts
C- what happened
Y- I got a sunburn from tanning
C- I'll be over with aloe
Y- yay you're the best
You smile and turn on your lamp as you wait for Corbyn to come
Soon enough you hear your door open and footsteps walk up to your room
The door softly opens and your smile grows larger at the sight of a shirtless Corbyn
"Let me see that sunburn" he whispers
You take off your shirt and he gasps
"Oh my god my poor baby" he runs his fingers down your back and you wince
"Ow" you whimper
"Hey it's okay now lay down I'm going to help you"
You lay on your stomach and he sits on your unsunburned legs as he takes out the aloe
He puts some on his hands and places them onto your back
"It's so cold" you shutter
"I know but it's going to help your burn" he rubs the aloe around your back and massages it after
"How does it feel?" He whispers kissing your back
"Much better. But it still hurts"
"Aw I'm so sorry. But I do have an idea"
"I stay here and you can lay on my stomach so that your back doesn't feel bad"
"You know you can admit that you want to cuddle"
"What no way I just want to make sure you aren't hurt"
"Sure" you sit up as Corbyn lays down and you lay on his stomach
"You're so hot" you whisper tracing his abs
"No your back is hot" he laughs as he feels the heat radiating off your skin onto his hand
He begins to rub your back and you yawn
"Are you tired baby"
You just nod and he kisses your forehead after turning off the lamp
"You're right... I just wanted to cuddle"