53) Mask

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Rachel's POV

"Koy, I want to head back to the central area of inkopolis square."

"Are you crazy!" He stopped in front of me, leaving everybody else to run away as well.

"It's ok. I'll make sure not to die-"

"Rachel, this isn't about me, you or Tess anymore. It's survival of the fittest now and the fact that you want to go to an area we just got out of is starting to worry me."

"I'll be fine, I just feel like I should check the area."

I made my way to walk the other side but was stopped as soon as I realised that Koy was grabbing my arm. As soon as my instincts noticed, I turned to him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making sure you don't die. You shouldn't go just because you feel like it."

"Alright, stop!" I pushed his hand and walked away again, "If you want to prevent my death so badly, why don't you just come along with me and help!"


"So stop complaining and get a move on. It's time to fight-"

"Don't want to see you get hurt..."

My eyes widened and I turned back to him, "What?"

"You heard me..." He raised his voice, "You've been hurt enough emotionally, I don't wanna see my best friend get hurt physically!"

"Your one idiot, don't worry and just come along with me."

"Um... sure..."

He ran up and caught up with me. In our walk I turned my head back at him, he was looking at the ground.

"You figured me out, didn't you?"

"Yeah... I don't want to see you act strong for the wellbeing of others. We'll all equal, so let's stay ourselves."

We walked ahead to the site of the plaza. Meanwhile, Tess was falling down from the tower...


Marie's POV:

They all turned around. At the sound of a whistle, the seekers switched directions and left along with the Octo shower. Soon after, an octoling arrived.

"To test my royalty, I must KILL!"

I took out my modded charger, "Who are you?"

"The person who will KILL you!"

I heard footsteps. My eyes narrowed and my concentration increased, along with my tension. Soon after, an octoling with a simple octopus mask emerged.

"Did you like the seeker modifications?" She took out a grey splat blaster, "We cloned the seekers and coded them to reply to octarian whistles. They will only go after the people we wish for."

"I don't care about your bragging rights!" My charger loaded itself, "I care about fixing your mistakes!"

My charger shot itself. In quick fury, the octoling dodged. I stood amazed at the speed.

"What speed?!"

She appeared behind me.


I flew along the cold ground, rolling along the floor and flying towards the wall of the alleyway. She laughed and walked towards me.

"I just LOATH the squid sisters!!!" Her blaster came in view, "It's why I want to be rid of them."

I got up from my spot and looked at her. My charger readied itself and I stood from my previous defeat. Slowly, my grip tightened on my charger. It made a click and I released it, splashing red ink everywhere since we were still on team ketchup.

"I will rid myself of you. I will rid you of myself. We will all be blessed when I kill you."

She walked through the path I just shot casually without screaming in pain. All I could hear were her footsteps.

"You bastard. Your not sane?!"

A finger went on my chin, "How did you know that?"

My eyes widened. A gunfire went off. I saw black.


Tess' POV:

It's a common fact that inkling have no bones. This meant that I would land safely, no matter what height I fell from. As soon as I landed I heard the cold fans of the Octo shower as it made its way towards me.

I rolled on the side and saw it. Octo troopers were carrying the top part. It left purple ink along the bottom as it showered the land with death.

I closed my eyes and prepared for my end. Hope was lost. Humanity was already gone, so why could inklings not go as well?

Slowly, the cold hard air briskly ran through me. It felt unbearable, everything was over. I was useless to the world and everybody else. The distant voices beside me no longer mattered.


The shower ran over to where I was-but it did not hit me- a girl instead carried me away and pushed me up.

"Tess, are you ok?!"

I could not see who she was, to my scathed ears, her voice was distorted, "Who are you?"

"She's crazy," A male voice emerged, "Let's deal with the stupid shower first before we let her come back to us."

"Good idea!"

I heard weapons being brought out. I heard plans being discussed. I heard silence soon after as I could no longer be asked to listen.

I just said some words so they knew I was gone to them.

"It's over. Don't bother with a bad person like me. Let me die."


You gonna continue the bundle?

Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister
26. Octo shower as the fourth boss encounter
27. Mask as the new octoling in town

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