sunshine ~ daniel

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"Y/n!" Daniel shouted from the bedroom. "Have you seen my yellow shirt?" You stepped away from the fridge and looked down, your body clad in a pair of black pyjama shorts and Daniel's yellow, washed out vans t-shirt. You had slipped it on before you went downstairs to get something to eat, not really paying attention to what you were pulling over your head. "I might've." You said before closing the fridge door. "Where did you se-" Daniel cut himself off when he walked into the kitchen and saw you standing in his shirt. "Found it." He smiled. You set a carton of apple juice on the counter. "I hope you don't mind." Daniel stepped closer to you and rested his hands on your hips. "Nah, it looks better on you anyways." You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you baby. So what are we doing today?" Daniel released you from his grasp and got two glasses from the cupboard. "I don't have rehearsals today so the guys and I were thinking about lunch. The girls will be there too." He said while pouring himself and you some apple juice. "Ok, sounds good, it's been awhile since we all got together." You took a sip of your juice. "I'm gonna go put on some jeans." Daniel watched you jump up the stairs. "Don't change your shirt!" He told you. "Don't plan to!" You said without turning around. Once you were changed you went back down stairs. "Are we meeting everyone there?" You asked. Daniel looked up from his phone. "Yeah, we can leave now." He smiled before continuing, "you look like a gorgeous ray of sunshine love." You blushed deeply. "Thank you Danny." Stepping closer to him you kissed his forehead. "I'll drive." You told him, grabbing the keys off the hook. "Shotgun!" Daniel yelled, hopping off the couch and running to the door. "Daniel, there is nobody else here." You laughed. He didn't respond, already running to the car. "I'm in love with a dork." You chuckled to yourself. Daniel watched as you walked to the vehicle. The way the sun gently cascaded over your skin and how the wind gently blew through your hair. His eyes remained on you as you opened your door and slid into the driver's seat. You noticed his gaze on you. "What's up bub?" He only smiled at you. "Nothing." You returned his smile and started driving, focusing on the road ahead. As you drove, Daniel let his thoughts wander. He knew he loved you, he knew that very well. Although he couldn't quite place what you were in his life. You were the love of his life, but you were more than that. He thought about it the entirety of the drive, the car enveloped in a comfortable silence. You stopped the car at the restaurant you were to meet the boys at. Zach, Kay, Jonah, Tate, Corbyn and Christina were already there. "Hey guys." You said as Daniel pulled out a chair for you. They all smiled and said their hello's. "We're gonna overthrow this restaurant." Jonah joked. "Mhmm." You responded. "Where even are Jack and Gabbie, usually Zach is the one that's late." You wondered. "Hey!" Zach cut in. Kay looked over at him with a lifted brow. Zach rolled his eyes and let out a defeated breath. "Yeah you're right." Just then the doorbell sounded. "Hey guys, sorry were late." Jack said, sitting next to Corbyn. "No worries." Daniel assured him. Throughout the course of lunch, everyone talked and laughed, although Daniel was a little quieter than usual. "Hey man, what's up with you? You've been so quiet." Jack asked, noticing Daniel's lack of presence in most of the conversations. "What? Oh nothing." Daniel said before letting his eyes fall on you again. Jack followed his gaze. "Everything ok with you two?" Daniel looked at his friend. "Yeah, of course." He paused, trying to collect his thoughts and make them into words. "I'm just trying to figure out what she is. I love her so much and one day she'll be my wife. That I'm sure of. But I've noticed my life's been so much...lighter since she came into it. I'm trying to figure out why." Jack smiled. "I know the feeling. You'll figure it out man." Daniel smiled at him. "Thanks bro." He turned back to you and admired how you talked to Christina. He noticed the way your face lit up right before you laughed. He took in how beautiful you were. He relished in the fact that the room got brighter when you walked in and everyone seemed to be happier when you smiled. He was happier. That's when it hit him. Daniel realized that anywhere you went there really was sunshine. Even if it was a cloudy day. He realized you were his sunshine.
A/n: ok i feel nothing but absolute joy for what i learned of today. i only hope that our entire fandom will support and love. our new parents deserving nothing but. lavender is such a blessed little girl to already have millions of people love her. gabbie and jack i wish you the best (even though you already have it) xoxo

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