Chapter 7: I'll always be here

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A- Yes I know I have been dead but now I finally have the motivation to continue this.


It was a nice day as the contestants were waiting for the next challenge. I already knew what was going to happen but I was sort of afraid for the contestants well cause, I know most of them can't handle lava. 

"Go." Four said to me while the contestants weren't looking. I then started drifting away towards the core of the earth. 

"Oh boy this is gonna be a long challenge." I thought. 

5 minutes later, I decided to go to the Host Lounge because I got tired of going towards the core. I met up with Four in the lounge and we talked for a bit. 

"So, how was going to the core of the earth like?" He asked.

"It's not fun." I said. He snickered. 

"I bet the contestants are probably worried about you reaching an emerald."

"I'm too lazy to actually go that deep so I'll just chill here at the moment."

We both laughed.

"Hey Four, aren't you worried about the contestants?" 

"What? Why would I be?"

"Well, you know, mainly because most of them can't handle lava and I'm pretty sure a majority of them will burn."

"Hmm, good point. I can always recover them though."

"Oh yeah."

The Four sat up immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"I just sensed some contestants coming our way, I'll teleport you back."

"How long will it be until I see you again though?"

"Don't worry about that, just remembered that I will always be here." He said as he pointed to my heart.


A- Cheesy yes, I know.

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