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Once a pon a time in the hidden heart of France twins a prince and princess were born the young king and young queen were very happy. The king was selfish and cruel but the queen was quite kind and loving everyone even the servants had nothing but praise for her. Alas when the prince and princess were around seven years old the queen fell ill and couldn't leave her bed leaving them in the care of their father. He favored the boy and bought him up to be just like him, the girl on the other hand grew up to be like her mother although kind she was quite vain. She spent most of her time growing up with the Butler Henri Cogsworth he was the son of the pervious butler and had been employed at the age of 18 her mother was born two years later and they journeyed from England to France 18 years after that (so her mother could wed her father). Mr Cogsworth told her many stories of her mother and father, the young princess was inquisitive while the prince was taught by the king, Cogsworth started tutoring her (in secret of course since in those days females being educated was frowned upon and her father only allowed her to learn beauty stuff and sewing) he taught her how to cook, read, write, fight with a sword and even ride a horse. At the age of nine after a long battle their mother died leaving Jeslyn her room (the twins shared a room previously).
Jeslyn was the only one at her mothers bedside when she died and was so distraught it didn't help she had to sleep in the end her mother died in so cogsworth had to stay with her all night the young princess tossed and turned. She is nightmares about her mother's death and it took her untill age 13 to grow out of them meaning for four years cogsworth had to sleep next to her to get her to sleep he would sing her songs and hold her hand untill she fell asleep then lean back on the chair beside her bed and fall asleep himself. Jeslyn blossomed into a beautiful young woman and prince Adam into a handsome young man. Adam treated the servants with such anger and disrespect that at times she had to comfort the servants Mrs pots calmed down after a good chat and cup of tea (one of the most popular topics is how the princess can tolerate the often grumpy Cogsworth and how lumiere can stay so cheerful), Lumiere liked to sit and sing to himself by candle light sometimes read a book when he was sad or angry (everyone knew when he got into those states to leave him alone) the royal singer and piano player would go off together (since they were married) and finally Cogsworth liked going late night horse ridding threw the French countryside and then sitting on a hill over looking the kingdom and looking at the stars while princess Jeslyn read a book to him or he read a book to her sometimes they sung together  (in fact it was his favorite part of any day but he would never admit it) they were the best of friends. The prince has everything his heart desired but he like their father was selfish unkind. The only ones he got on with were his father and sister but when his father also died on their 19th birthday he got depressed he referred all his gifts (Jeslyn got a puppy from the servants who she named FruFru) and barley even spoke to anyone expect his sister who was concerned. He started taxing the village... to fill their castle with the most beautiful objects. And he had parties with the most beautiful women in the land (often filling his time with cheep flings) Jeslyn usually attended these parties but sometimes she preferred to stay away.

Then came their 21st birthday princess Jeslyn
and her brother were getting ready for the event she was dressed in a blue gown and has just styling her hair when their was a knock on her door
"Princess Jeslyn may I enter?"
"You may Mr Cogsworth" she said turning towards the door. The butler opened the door a stressed look on his face
"just Henri is fine I have to inform you that your presence is requested in the ball room" Cogsworth said
"I am almost ready, can you help me with my necklace?" She asked
"Certainly" he said taking the necklace putting it around his kneck and fastening the clap
"Thank you how do I look?" She asked standing up. He smiled at her and opened the door for her
"You look beautiful princess" Cogsworth said

She made her way to the ballroom door where her brother was already standing wearing a dark blue and gold suit and a wig
"happy brithday Adam" Jeslyn said hugging him
"Jeslyn your messing up my outfit" he said fixing his wig
"Announcing their Royal highness Prince Adam And Princess Jeslyn" Cogsworth said opening the door. Everyone in the ballroom bowed and the siblings made their way to their thrones.
Madam Garderobe was on Stage singing while her husband played the piano. Lumiere and Mrs Potts were in the kitchen getting the evening meal ready. Soon the prince was up dancing with the many beautiful maidens that attended the party the princess sat on her throne for a hour she looked board by the party. Cogsworth and his wife Clothilde were standing off to the side
"Poor girl she's beautiful and kind but incredibly shy when it comes to the opposite gender and the gentleman here are too nervous to ask her to dance" Cogsworth commented
"Henri that isn't your problem I've never liked how close you are to her" Clothilde said
"Maybe I should ask her to dance" he said
"Are you even listening to me Henri" she said
"I'm a 69 year old man I can spend time with who I like Clothilde" He said firmly she slapped him.
"I am your wife you must listen to me" she said
"You are my wife because our parents arranged for us to be married, don't think that means you can tell me what to do" he said
"Fine have fun" she said angrily storming out of the castle and home to the nearby village

Cogsworth sighed at his wives behavior, went up to the throne and bowed
"would you care to dance your highness" he said taking her hand in his
"I don't really dance in front of people" Jeslyn said frowning
"Come on princess you dance good plus if you mess up you can blame me" he said
"ok you win" she said rising from her seat and joining him on the dance floor.

Oh how divine
Glamour music and magic combine
See the maidens so anxious to shine
While the gentleman nervously sip wine
Look for a sign that enhances chances
They'll be their special one

People gamely swapping partners the numerous princes and dukes kept cutting in and stealing her away from each other "Henri" she called out but the music got too loud and it drowned her out. He was currently dancing with one of the maidens then she switched with another maiden. Jeslyn reached out their fingertips barley touched before they were both swept away in opposite directions

What a display
what a breathtaking thrilling array
Every prince every princess has their day
Let us sing with passion gusto
For to bust -o
Not a care in the world

A knock on the castle door interrupted the party. The prince opened the door princess Jeslyn not far behind her brother thankful for the dancing break. He took a candleabra to see who was knocking at this hour and saw an old woman at the door she was dressed in a black cloak and held a single rose.

An unexpected intruder arrived at the castle sleeping shelter from the bitter storm as a gift she offered the siblings a single rose.

The prince took the rose and laughed at the old woman throwing the flower on the floor. The party guests laughed too as the prince motioned for Cogsworth and Lumiere to show her out. The old woman looked at the princess "please" she said
"I'd like to help you I really would but there's a plague going around France even talking to you now could mean I'm infected" Jeslyn said woridly
"Out now I won't tell you again old woman" the prince said

Repulsed by her haggard appearance they turned the woman away. But she warned them not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within. However the woman's outward appearance melted away. To reveal... a beautiful enchantress the prince and princess tried to apologise

"Please forgive me and my brother" Jeslyn begged. Prince Adam got on his knees to beg

it was too late. For she had seen that there was no love in the princes heart or the princesses heart. As punishment... she transformed him into a hideous beast with fur claws horns and talons and her into her into a hideous Harpy with the wings talons and lower half of a bird  and the head of a ugly older woman And placed a powerful spell on the castle... and all who lived there. As days bled into years... the prince his sister and his servants were forgotten by the world. For the enchantress had erased all memory of them... from the minds of the people they loved. But the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he or she could learn to love another... and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell... the spell would be broken. If not, they would be doomed to remain monsters for all time. They locked themselves away in their rooms (the princess too asked to show her new appearance in front of her palace friends and the prince even more depressed) the rose was kept in the princesses bedroom with the west wing. As the years passed... he fell into despair and lost all hope. But she kept hope that maybe one day the curse would break but who could ever learn to love a beast or a harpy?

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