chapter 8: a shocking secret and dark forces at work

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Previously on Ash x Serena a champion at last

"Giovanni!!!. What are you doing here???." And Giovanni said." Your parents invited me. I'm not here to fight. And besides. Why would I want to steal from my own GRANDSON???"


Giovanni stepped closer to Ash and said" it's finally nice to meet you ash Ketchum son of red and Delia Ketchum. You look so much like my son red. And yet you act so much like your mother. I'm not lying when I said that I'm your grandfather. I've actually been watching over you since your journey through The Kanto Johto orange island hoenn sinoh unova and Kalos regions. Did you think it was a coincidence that Jessy James and Meowth were always there and ready to battle you???. It was because I was testing your skills as a trainer and every time they lost. It was on purpose to see if you had what it took to win The Pokemon league. After your victory at the Kalos league I ordered them to retire since their mission had become successful. They are your aunt and uncle Jessy and James Ketchum. Your father's younger brother and sister. Our world is in great danger. Rival teams from The regions you've been to are teaming up with each other to find and destroy our entire family. We must fight them together. You can call Lugia If I'm not mistaken right???." And Ash said." Yes I can. But I only call him in life threatening situations and I suppose this counts as one of them. Why do you ask???." And Giovanni said." Because I can call upon his brother ho-oh. Together their unstoppable. So. Will you help me???. For our family and friends???. Many innocent Pokemon and humans will die it will be all out war. And I don't want to see that happen. Your grandmother arceus. She was a beautiful woman in her human form. And even more so in her true form. Didn't you ever wonder why you had such a strong bond with the Pokemon you caught and the wild Pokemon you've saved???. It's because you have The Powers Aura within you. And your children even stronger Aura Then your own." After hearing everything Giovanni said Ash couldn't help but believe him. His father red. Looks exactly like Giovanni any he looks exactly like red. Ash then said." Fine. I guess you and I could spend some time together. The kids are at school now and we were going to visit Them during recess this afternoon. You may join us if you want???." And Serena said." Are you sure that's a good idea Ash???. I don't want to put our children in danger." And Ash said" Serena trust me. He's telling The truth. I can tell he's not lying otherwise he'd be out fighting the rival teams from other regions. Even lysandre from team flare." And Serena said." Fair enough. Let's go inside and have a cup of tea and coffee." And Giovanni said." Thank you very much for your hospitality Serena." Ash Serena and Giovanni went into the house and after having tea and coffee Giovanni said." For the moment I've managed to bail most of the top ranked generals of team rocket like the iron masked marauder, Annie and Oakley, the collector Cassidy and Butch. I have also managed to get the help of team aqua and team magma on our side. It seems as though they both owe you a debt of gratitude for bringing back their friendship with each other."and Ash said." Well at least The rival teams from the hoenn region are on our side. So what about Groudon and Kyogre???." And Giovanni said." Acrhie and Maxie are searching for them together as we speak." And Ash said." Have you been able to locate Entei suicune and raiku yet???." And Giovanni said." As a matter of fact I have. Raiku is hiding in a power plant suicune is in cerulean city and Entei is of course hidden himself in a nearby volcano." And Ash said." Well what are we waiting for???. Let's go find them. Capture them and get them to help us. With your technology and my skills as a Pokemon champion in we could cover More ground and find them faster." And Giovanni said." I agree. But we can talk about this more tomorrow. Right now we should be visiting your children shouldn't we???." And Serena said." Ash he's right. It's 1:00pm. Serenity and Samuel are having recess right now." And Ash said." Let's go Then." Ash then pulled out Moltres Zapdos and Articuno's pokeballs and said." Moltres Zapdos Articuno come on out!!!." The three legendary birds appeared and Giovanni said." I'm impressed. I didn't think you had All three of them with you." And Ash said." Serena you take Articuno grandfather. You take Moltres and I'll take Zapdos." They then hopped on to their assigned Pokemon and flew off towards the Pokemon academy.

Meanwhile at The Pokemon academy Greninja was staying hidden from Samuel and serenity and They saw it as a game of hide and seek. Ash Giovanni and Serena Then landed in the middle of the play ground and Giovanni said." Well that was quite exciting." And Ash said." Hey Samuel serenity. Where are you???. I want you to Meet someone!!!. " Samuel and serenity Then went running up to their parents and said." Mommy daddy here we are!!!. We were playing hide and seek with Greninja. And we almost found him to. Like we could sense where he was but couldn't find him. " Serenity Then asked." Daddy Who is this nice man???." And Ash said." Samuel. Serenity. I'd like you to meet your great grandfather Giovanni. Leader of the vermilion city gym and former head of team rocket." Samuel and serenity ran up to Giovanni and said." Great grandpa Giovanni it's so nice to finally meet you!!!. Could you show us your Pokemon???. Pleeaase???." And Giovanni said." Well I don't see why not. Come on out. Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Persian. Time to play." After seeing Giovanni's Pokemon Samuel and serenity got stars in their eyes and said." WOW!!!. Their amazing!!!." Serenity Then said." Nidoqueen is so cute!!!." And Samuel said." Your really cool Nidoking!!!. I hope I could capture a male Nidoran and it evolves into you one day!!!." And so for The rest of the day The family played together and when professor oak came out he said." Ah hello Giovanni. It's been a while since I've seen you. How has your Charmander been???." And Giovanni said." It's fully evolved actually. And can use fire pledge. And even dragon rage." And professor oak said." Very impressive. Well it's been nice seeing you again so I'll be on my way." And with their brief encounter over Ash Serena Giovanni Samuel and serenity Then headed home on Moltres Zapdos and Articuno and when they got home All was as it should be and Ash had finally forgiven his father and prepare for the up coming battle Wich will eventually turn into a Pokemon war. A war that he would most likely survive for his family and would not stop until he and his family and allies came out victorious.

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