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The hotel room had seemed so different now. They had waited untilmidnight, apparently the ritual could only happen between midnightand three in the morning. There was not a single light on, but it wasstill easy to see with all the candles that were lit; from tea lightsto pillar candles, all unscented. The herbs that had been gatheredeasily at a local metaphysical shop, which while Dean hated witchesbut while these new age ones annoyed him he realized they were, forthe most part, harmless. Not really witches at all.

Gabriel had expertly wrapped the herbs into a sage stick likewrapping. The two angels were each burning the two walking around theroom allowing the scents to waft all along till the whole room smeltof sweet smoke.

Each brother was sitting on one of the queen beds, they were told tomeditate. Sam tried his best but was never one for meditation, andDean thought it was a whole lot of hoopla and not real. It tooklonger then it should have but still it happened. Slowly but surlythey both slipped into a trance. A trance that revealed to them bothmore then they could ever have thought would be.

Little two yearold Dean was a strange child, but he was the apple of both hisparents eyes. It was so hard to think that once upon a time theyhated each others guts, slowly learning to love each other over time.Mary had something she didn't tell her husband since she never reallythought about it, but she had been born with a innate sense. She usedto trust it impeccably.

But when sherealized that underneath it all John was a good man, and so shestopped listening to her instincts that he wasn't that good of a man.But she was good enough at it that she knew that her son had such astrong sense. So much that she knew that her powers seemed like aparlor trick in comparison. They did say it would always skip ageneration.

Needless tosay, John had seen it to, but in a much different light then Maryhad. John saw it as a danger, not a danger toDean, but that Dean wasthe danger. So he took him to his own father, whose own idea wassimple; to bind the power into Dean so deep in his subconscious sothat he wouldn't ever remember it.

John had agreedto do it immediately, and by the time he took Dean back from "thepark" the toddler felt no natural instincts like he had before.Mary knew something was off immediately as she lifted him up. Was itwoman, or mother's, intuition? Her own, albeit weak, psychic powers?It didn't really matter at this point, because it was done.

Dean rememberedbeing put in his play pen and the screaming. How his mother hadscreamed had made him cry. But the few words as a child he rememberedwas that John had stolen something from him, that he had ripped aparta big part of Dean. She demanded that he give the powers back, thathe unblock that part of Dean's mind, but he had claimed he couldn't.That it'd kill him.

Given how easythe ritual actually was either John was a liar or didn't know.

Mary was readyto leave him, to grab Dean and run and never see John again. But dideventually give up on that and made him promise to never do thatagain. When she realized she was pregnant again she made him swearthat if the second child-which she didn't know would be another sonat the time-did have psychic powers he better never do to the babywhat he had done to Dean.

John promised.Obviously he lied.

Sam didn't showpowers as early as Dean had. Whether the demon blood he was fed as ababy effected it, either making his powers wait until he was older ormaking him have powers at all, or he was just showing them later thenDean had since no two psychics are the same, or even that no one hadseen, though Dean had started to be trained he would never havelooked for it in his baby brother, and John maybe couldn't havethought that Sam to would be psychically powerful to.

But forwhatever reason Sam's powers were obvious when he was five instead oftwo. His binding was done differently. If it was because of thedifferent binding, or his age, if either Sam or Dean's binding wasdone wrong, if it effected them differently, or it was just becauseof random chance was anyone's guess but for some reason seventeenyears later at twenty two Sam's powers started to again manifest,while Dean's passed the seventeen year mark and more never showingany powers.

Dean's powers came through a part of him he never knew stretched andpushed being able to suddenly do it. It was like someone who couldn'tsee very well putting glasses on for the first time, it was like hisentire body was thrumming with energy as now it wasn't fighting toget out.

For Sam it calmed him that the powers were not because of the demonblood, and it all calmed him down. Now he could calm and not worrythat his powers were evil, that they always were a part of him. Ifthey were a part of him, and were evil, what did that make him? Butto know they were not demonic, that he was born with it which broughta level of calm and relief was washing over him.

The brothers looked up at each other, the green and brown eyesmatching together as the last of the ritual ended. "Son of abitch," both were able to whisper out before the ritual wascomplete and it used the last of their energy both passing out ontothe beds. Instantly their angels were right there for them seeingchecking their safety.

Seeing both were fine and just passed out they relaxed and preppedthe brothers for sleep taking off their shoes and tucking them in.

"I seem to remember Deano saying he doesn't like sleeping injeans." Gabriel reminded Castiel as he pulled the flannel off ofSam, leaving him in his black tank underneath and pulling Sam's ownjeans off being careful to not pull his boxers off to. Though hewouldn't mind getting Sam's boxers off it wouldn't be happening whenhe was unconscious. Though Gabriel loved sex, especially if he couldhave sex with his bonded but it wouldn't be getting him naked likethat. This was just to keep him comfortable as he slept, and settinghis head on the pillow, being careful of his long hair he then pulledthe blanket over him.

"I will not undress him while he is unconscious." Castiel statedlooking at the archangel confused that he could ever even suggestthat and somehow the older angel managed to not roll his eyes.

"Fine, want me to do it?" He asked and just like he plannedCastiel glared at him before turning and carefully taking off Dean'sjacket and jeans before tucking him in to.

I would so beokay with the trickster angel or angel in a dirty trench coat undressme~

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