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At 3:30 Luke was standing outside Michael's front door. He was contemplating on knocking and being a gentleman or shimmying up the side of the house to the window and scaring the piss out of Michael.

He decided with the first option and lightly tapped his knuckles on the dark wood of the door. After a few seconds there was a clomping sound and the door swung open to reveal Michael, freshly dyed red hair and a ripped Metallica shirt.

"You sound like a horse galloping down the stairs."

"Well hello to you too."

Luke scoffed and shifted his weight on one foot, pulling his lip ring between his teeth. "So, you ready?"

"What the fuck did I say about biting your lip?" Michael snapped.

Luke shrugged.

"Don't do it."

"I will bite what I want."

Michael raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Y'know what I really want to bite right now?"

"What?" Michael asked.

"Pizza, let's go." Luke reached forward and grabbed Michael's arm, snatching him out the house.

Michael slammed the door closed and followed Luke down the path to the street. The pizzeria was just a few blocks away.

During the walk there the back of Luke's hand kept gently brushing against Michael's and bumping his fingers. Totally on accident of course.

"Oh my Lord Of The Rings, Luke." Michael groaned dramatically, rolling his eyes. "If you want to hold my hand that badly just grab it, don't be a little bitch."

Luke gasped and made a face. "Excuse me, maybe my hand was accidentally touching yours, that doesn't mean I want to hold you hand."

"Mhm." Michael gave him a side glance. "Sure."

"If you insist." Luke groaned, reaching over and locking fingers with the older boy.

The entire walk to the pizza place was filled with snippy comments and dramatic eye rolls as the twos hands swung between their bodies.

Finally, they reached the pizza parlor and sat at a booth. A young blonde waitress came and took their order, commenting on how cute they looked together, receiving and eye roll from Luke and a big grin from Michael.

"We're a cute couple."

"I sucked your dick once."

"People still think we're a cute couple, Lukey." Michael smirked, fiddling with his phone between his hands.

Luke rolled his eyes for like the millionth time and looked down as his cheeks speckled pink. The waitress returned with their drinks and gave them both a smile that Michael returned while Luke rolled his eyes.

"Why're you being a dick to the waitress?"

"We're not a couple. I'm not gay."

"You sucked my dick, I'd say you're pretty gay."

"No. That was a one time thing."

"What about that time I saw you making out with that guy."

"That was a one time thing, too."

"Are you scared to admit that you're gay? Because we need to get one thing straight, you're not."


"Please don't try and pull the straight card when ninety percent of our texts have been sexual, you watched me wank, and you sucked my dick. It's a little too late to claim that you're straight."

"Okay I see your point. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm going through an experimental phase. I have no intentions of marrying a man in the future."

"Well, now I feel like a cheap whore."

"No, you're a cute gamer."

Luke's logic makes no sense bc he's dumb as fuck and gay as hell

Sorry I only update like once or twice a month I kinda have no ideas for this book so if you have any suggestions on what should happen tell me
(Besides just smut pls lol)
Love you guyyyssss:)

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