~Banana 35~

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Ace clears his throat and takes an authoritative place before Eiji. "Take a solid stance." He commands.

Eiji looks on his feet, unsure of what to do. Finally he parted his feet. He looks at Ace and smiles widely while scratching the back of his head.

"Are you trying to split?" Ace just shakes his head as he had started to realize the herculean task before him.

Ace makes his way to Eiji's rear. "Don't place them too apart or else you'll not be able to absorb the shock." He advices as he taps one of Eiji's legs. Eiji catches on quickly and does what he was told.

"Then you lower your back a little and focus your central strength on..." Ace takes on a pause before continuing.

Eiji urges Ace to continue. "On?"

"Your hips." Ace then drops his hands firmly on Eiji hips, making Eiji flounder at the sudden touch.

"What's wrong?" Asks Ace so innocently that it got Eiji thinking whether it was purely unintentional or Ace discovered physical touch the most efficient way of teasing him. 

"Nothing." Eiji mumbles on his blowed cheeks before returning to his previous position.

"Now hold that stance."

Ace turns to the table behind them where two silver boxes are lying. Opening the covers reveal two similar pistols perfect for beginner's use. He holds both weapon in his hands, feeling their weight for a short while before finally finding the ease of handling them. He turns back to Eiji and Eiji flinches, still uncomfortable of having weapons near him.

You asked for this. Eiji chants subconsciously. He swallows the lump on his throat before looking at the guns again.

Ace ambles to Eiji and extended the one for him. "Use this."

Eiji clenches his fists. He reaches out for the gun and just as Eiji expected, the fear of hurting someone froze his entire body. His body still clearly remembers how it felt when he had to pull the trigger and killed someone at that time. The horror of hearing gunshots and to think he'd be pointing the gun at someone, giving that person the same exact terror, it is just too much for Eiji to take in.

"Eiji. Eiji." Eiji wakes up at the shaking of his body. His eyes meet Ace's worried ones and just then did he started breathing again. He has been unconsciously holding back his breath and if Ace didn't pull him back to the present, who knows what would've happened.

"It's okay. Take your time. Breathe." Ace instructs while supporting Eiji's body who's suddenly abandoned by his own strength.

Eiji's knees finally give up on him and he drops to the ground, trembling and in need of comfort.

Ace kneels in front of Eiji, bringing him in his arms for consolation. "I'm here Eiji. I'm here." He hums.


"Don't you feel the slightest guilt?" Sing asks as he depart from behind of Yut Lung and retires back to the sofa.

Yut Lung spins around with this swivel chair, looking so innocent and dignified of what he's doing. "Guilty of what? It's not like what they're talking about is private."

"Whatever." Sing dryly remarks. "I'm just saying that you should be more sensitive to our brother here." He supplies, leading his gaze to where Ash is sitting.

Yut Lung just smirks, amused at the entertainment exclusively for him.

"He had the choice not to watch." Yut Lung snickers as he eyes Ash.

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