31. She performed with Scot Alan during the Europen tour. (PTXperience ep 13, London/Oxford/GlasgowDublin)
32. She likes chemistry in high school "In high school, I really liked chemistry" she said in an interview. (10 facts you didn't know about PTX by sheknows.com)
33. She has inspirational tweets
"Be inspired by your faults to better yourself and your situation. Because getting wrapped up in your sorrow only hurts you."
" If you're someone's after thought, they don't deserve to be your first thought. "
"Feeling bad doesnt mean u should blame urself to fix things. Be honest. Stand up for urself & dont back down when it doesnt agree w others❤️"
"I am my own worst enemy.
A negative mind will never give you a positive life. ❤"
"Don't let people bring you down! Keep on shining. That way YOU stay happy. Cause why does their opinion matter? ☀️ #chooseyourhappiness14"
" Internet now officially installed in new apartment. Life is now complete. ☺️" (you mean to tell me this is not inspirational? XD)
"People that judge and make fun on the Internet have no room to say anything. Hope being off-putting fuels your sad insecurity level. Be nice"
" Your mistakes don't define you. Always strive to be better, the best you you can be!! :)" ️
34. She got into a 2 year college in California and is very excited!
35. She likes Ryan Gosling. (Who does not though....)
Nothing much to say today but I'm excited for Christmas!!! Yaaayyyyy :D
Facts About Pentatonix
RandomPutting my stalking to "good" work so here is facts about them. ;) What we need to know about them. I have no idea why it's PG13 because there is nothing weird in here. Just facts about them that you should know so yeh... :/