Chapter 13 - The Fight

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Saturday, October 20th

     Jesse watched while Loek was getting dressed for work. He was kind of amazed by how unorganised Loek actually was. He had been staying with him and his brother for four days, and ever since Jesse came home crying the day before, Mees had changed his behaviour towards him drastically.

In a good way.

Loek was running around the apartment grabbing stuff like clothes and wax to fix his hair. In the meantime, he was searching for his wallet.

At the same time, Jesse—who was already dressed to go out later—and Mees were laying on the couches with popcorn, watching him run around.

"I bet you five bucks his wallet is still in his soccer bag," Jesse told Mees without looking at him. His eyes just had to follow Loek because it was too amusing not to watch.

"Five bucks it's in the office." Mees held out his hand, and Jesse slapped it to tell him the bet was on.

They both kept silent while watching Loek searching a drawer—in which Jesse had never seen him put any stuff in the past four days—before he shoved it shut quite hard.

"Where the hell is my wallet?" he mumbled, annoyed. "Mees, have you seen it?"

"Nope," Mees answered before throwing popcorn in his mouth. When Loek left, he threw a bit towards Jesse to gain his attention. "You're going to lose."

"No, I'm not." Jesse shook his head, but kept his eyes on Loek, who came back from the office empty-handed.

"Isn't it in the office?" Mees asked, sounding slightly confused.

"Soccer bag," Jesse told them both. "I'm telling you."

And Jesse smiled slightly when he saw Loek heading towards the bag instead of the office. For some reason, he listened to Jesse better, even if they hadn't known each other for that long.

A week, really. Jesse thought while pushing himself up from the couch too, stretching out his hand towards Mees as soon as Loek fished his wallet out of the bag. "I believe you owe me five bucks."

"Damn it." Mees rolled his eyes, handing Jesse five bucks while Loek sat down next to him to tie his shoelaces.

"You guys put a bet on it?" He chuckled nonetheless. "Are you coming to Unity tonight?" he turned to Jesse with a smile.

Jesse shrugged. He was unsure if he was going to Unity. He really just wanted to hang out with his friends and have some fun. With everything that'd happened in the past week, he felt on edge.

"I'm not sure. Depends on what my friends are doing. If they get annoying, I might visit you at work."

"Don't expect a lot of free drunks, though," Loek told him before chuckling. "My boss wasn't really pleased since you drank a lot."

"I'm known for drinking a lot," Jesse said, nodding in agreement and smirking. "Don't worry, I'll bring some money with me when I decide on visiting you."

Loek patted his shoulder, and then used his shoulder to push himself up from the couch. "I'm off. See you when I see you." He waved at Jesse, then at Mees, and left without another word.

Jesse had noticed Mees was sending him looks again. Not the same kind as he had done two days ago. No, he looked like he was trying to solve a difficult riddle.


"How do you actually get money?" he asked eventually, sitting down on the other couch again. "I mean, besides winning nearly every bet we make."

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