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"What in the world do you mean?" Dean pushed but Gabriel answeredwith just a smirk enjoying getting under the skin of the hunter healways found several kinds of annoying. He could see the two of themgetting along but that didn't mean that he didn't want to mess withthe older of the Winchester brothers.

"Gabe." Sam sighed and Gabriel looked between the two brotherslooking much like a child who was denied a new toy. But he did do asSam told him to do, though he only said that one sentence he knewexactly what the tall man wanted.

"Fine, it just surprised me to see Castiel's mark on you.Physically anyway." Gabriel saw that the two humans were lookingconfused so continued on. "His mark on you is on your soul, weangels can sense it, but I didn't realize it was on your body." Heexplained and Dean reached up to touch the scar, he had never thoughtmuch about scars. He was always covered in them, of course whenCastiel had pulled him from hell he had worked his way out of hiscoffin having now only the scar of Castiel's hand print.

Of course over time he had acquired more and more new scars but whenhe was pulled out it had restarted. He viewed scars as fine, therewere plenty of people who didn't like them but where others saw flawshe always saw scars as something to be proud of. A Warrior's Markmore then anything, a show of just how much he had faced andsurvived. The fact it never was anything too deep on his face madehim look battle rugged which did turn a certain type of people on,especially ones who wanted a solider.

But that were all scars were, there was nothing more to them. Ifsomeone asked where he got the scar on his back right below his rightpeck, or the one on his right knee, the one on his lower back, theone on right above his lip...he couldn't tell you if his lifedepended on it. But the hand print he knew exactly what it was, butthat was still all it was. Now he wondered if it meant more.

He looked up to see Castiel's brown eyes looking right into his greenones. He silently wondered what it was and as Castiel looked back hecalmed a bit. He could see right into Castiel's eyes that whateverhappened that Castiel didn't do it on purpose, that whatever happenedit didn't change anything between his friend and himself.

That calmed him that whatever Gabriel was talking about wouldn't gopast what he was comfortable with. He still was on edge though as hehated to ever have something he didn't understand about thesupernatural, especially when it pertained to him. He didn't haveSam's wish to learn for learning's sake, knowledge was power; heneeded it to just survive.

Castiel was able to tell Dean that the only reason that he hadn'ttold Dean was to keep from burdening him, that he had nothing toworry about. Dean normally would be curious but wouldn't say anythingbut right now with the archangel talking like he was he would need toknow. There was no way his angel was getting out of this.

"Do they always do that?" Gabriel asked looking between Dean andCastiel this being the first time he saw the two do their silentconversations through their eyes when his mind was not on otherthings.

"Yep." Sam wasn't even surprised anymore and knowing it couldtake a while sighed and looked around, "you want some coffee?They'll be a while." He said having gotten used to it seeing asneither of the two hadn't even spoken once yet they'd be a while.More then long enough for them to have a coffee break.

"You can't be serious." Gabriel deadpanned but the look that theyounger hunter gave him assured him that yes, he was deadly serious.

"What's this thing you are talking about?" Dean asked and Gabriellooked up from where he was sitting on the desk his coffee almostgone and Sam sitting at the chair from the desk his coffee alreadygone.

"Oh back to the land of the living are you two?" Gabriel hummeddraining the last of his coffee in one go. "Just the little thingthat it wasn't just the fact that little bro touched you without hisvessel, or even that it was your bare soul."

"Then what the hell was it?" He asked and Castiel glanced over tohim and Dean's own eyes glanced over to him. Sam looked over toGabriel as the entire time that Dean and Castiel were 'talking' hecouldn't get what he was talking about from his angel.

"If Castiel had touched you without a vessel it would have burntyou, but you would have healed over time, a few months. You baringthe scar for so long means you are his."

"His?!" Dean and Sam gasped out at the same time notunderstanding what he meant.

"Calm down, I just mean that you are 'his human' and to a certainextent he is 'your' angel. It is a bound that can not be broken; thetwo of you have a sense of each other. You understand what each otheris feeling and thinking." Gabriel explained trying to keep the twohumans calm and then gave a chuckle, "oh you two are sointeresting, no wonder Castiel spends so much time around you. ThoughI think Sammy here is more interesting." He hummed happily settinghis mug down mentioning nothing more.

A strongconnection, shown entirely through stares!

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