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"So what are we looking for baby bro?" Gabriel asked flapping hiswings, it had been so long since he really stretched his wings likethis. Sure he could teleport but it was a rare thing for him to justflap his wings and actually fly. Castiel seems to be used to it andconsidering how often he follows Dean around to make sure that he isokay he wasn't all that surprised.

They paused as they felt something dark, something wrong. Sovery wrong. Gabriel and Castiel both flew to that place and shiverednot liking it as they felt something.

"What is this place?" Castiel said looking around as if trying topinpoint the source with his intense liquid blue eyes. "It is notanything like I've experienced"

"I'm not surprised, this is pretty damn rare." Gabriel glared atthe rocky walls having thought that he was free of these things onceand for all. They were nothing but trouble. "You know how somehumans make deals with demons?"

"Yes I am aware."

"Yeah, well this is worse." Gabriel frowned stretching his wingsin case he had to run. This was a scouting mission and so theybrought no weapons. Much to Dean's chagrin that they would gounarmed, at least a small angel blade to keep them safe but Sam hadbeen right when saying that bringing the blade would be more dangerthen safety since they could feel safe with it and go too far pastthe point of being a scouting mission.

"Worse then a demon?" Castiel echoed and the archangel nodded.

"Yeah, these things aren't demons but close enough. I call thempsychic vampires, regular vampires feed on blood but these thingsfeed on psychic energy." He explained and sighed stopping andlooking towards the darkness that withered, much darker then itshould be on such a bright and sunny day. Cave or no.

"We have to leave."

"We have not yet fou-"

"It doesn't matter Castiel! Move! Now!" He grabbed the youngerangel's arm and pulled them both away as growling was heard, itwasn't till the two were flying up high above the trees that Castiellooked at the blonde and spoke.

"Why did you do that? That was not part of our purpose."

"Do you want to get us killed?!" Gabriel shouted back to theblunt man. "These psychic vampires are made by a human wishing andactively trying to become a demon. Normally some demon will show upand offer a deal of some kind."

"They go to the most desperate."

"Yes I know, but not always, sometimes if they think they willcommit suicide or are already destined for hell soon they will notbother. If the human keeps up they can turn themselves into a demon."He explained and Castiel gasped but shook his head refusing tobelieve it.

"Only way for a demon to become is to agree from Lucifer or one ofhis disciples who agreed at one time." Castiel stated like he wasstating a fact. The sky is blue. Water is wet. The world is round.

"They aren't demons fully but close enough; almost immortal, feedoff of the soul energy through the filter of psychic energy." Hiswings fluttered as he began flying towards the hotel of theWinchester brothers were staying at.

"Are demons or are not demons?"

"They are used like pawns by actual demons, they drain all theresistance of a person and then the demon comes to take them."Gabriel explained and grunted, "they can be tricky little fucks toget rid of."


"Exactly, now you're thinking bro." Gabriel grinned at theyounger angel like a favored brother.

When they got back to the hotel Sam was reading through some of themore obscure books. Why not? When Dean had come back they had gonethrough all the books in both Bobby and his own collection and onlyone book mentioned it. One page in the book.

Maybe that would happen as well, it wasn't nearly as miraculous ashis brother coming back but it could be the same thing. Dean had donehis daily work out and had a shower to wash out the sweat and was nowbrushing his teeth. He wore a simple pair of gray sleep pants and wasshirtless. He had a white shirt to wear but as he was brushing histeeth he didn't want any water to get the fabric wet when he rinsedout his mouth. He hated the feel of wet clothing so would wait to puton his shirt after.

There was a sound of flapping wings and suddenly both Castiel andGabriel were standing there. When Sam looked up from his book hearinga footstep jumped a bit seeing the two angels. "I'll never get usedto that." He complained to himself before sighing, "findanything?"

Gabriel opened his mouth to answer but stopped as he heard the dooropening. Turning to see the shirtless dean with a dark bluetoothbrush in his mouth made him raise a eyebrow. He smirked and wasready to tease him. He knew it would anger Castiel but that was partof why he did it. He would also anger Dean which was fun as well. Hequiet liked the human, not like Castiel of course. He would never tryto steal his littler brother's boyfriend and Dean wasn't his typeanyway, they were too similar. But that was why it made it so fun tomess with him.

His golden white wings stretched out ready for the playful banter asCastiel tried to hit him with his own and he fought back. Allplayfully of course but still it would happen. However as he wasplanning to make a mention of him looking like a stripper he pausedas he saw the bright pink raised scar on Dean's left shoulder.

He wouldn't think anything about it but the slightly shimmering hesaw and saw that there was grace shining through it. Grace wasbubbling beneath the surface of that scarred skin and shining throughit. Grace Scar.

Even if he didn't realize the dark blue Grace as being Castiel's he'dknow it was his. What other angel would do that? He gasps audibly andthey all look at them confused as Gabriel manages to find his voice.

"Dean, what is that on your shoulder?" He asked and he didn'tknow why he did. He knew exactly what it was and Dean raises aneyebrow looking to the shoulder touching the scar that always feltseveral degrees warmer then the rest of his skin.

"That's the scar Cas left when he pulled me out of hell." Deananswered shrugging like it was no big deal. And in truth it wasn't.That he had been saved from that nightmare was not and any time hethought of it-which he tried not to since he hated to think of thoseforty years-he knew how much Castiel had saved him. But he was soused to the scar that he couldn't see himself not having it.

"Oh, now I understand." He says and that seems to confuse themortals. But for the first time Gabriel understands exactly whathappened.

I hope you guyslike the reveal of what this creature they are hunting is. Iapologize for the cliffhanger.

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