I own nothing in the Harry Potter world. I'm just a huge fan.
Remus Lupin was a kind, gentle, fair man. Who looked for the best in all the people he meet, he tried not to judge people by their mistakes. He tried to be a forgiving man. That all went out the window with the Dursleys, after what they did to his precious Godson.
After Harry fell asleep he went to talk to Miss Figg. It was so hard trying to speak without yelling. After he explain what he say, he asked if she knew about this. Miss Figg looked sad and said she had her suspicion. Also she added that she told Dumbledore but he never did anything or even came to check on him. Now he was even angrier (he did not even think that was possible) he was growling under his breath now and his brown eyes were flashing gold. It took all his strength to keep the wolf inside at bay. When he got his anger under control he knew Dumbledore would have to wait, he needed to deal with the Dursleys now.
As calmly as he could he asked Miss Figg when they were due back. She said anytime now, they call me to tell me when to send Harry back. Remus looked at her and said that will not be happening. He ran upstairs to grab a paper for the Dursleys to sign to give up their rights to Harry. Now all he had to do was wait. About ten minutes later the phone rang. Miss Figg answered, Remus heard her say I will send Harry over.
Remus started the slow walk over to the Dursleys house. As he got closer he took out his wand, and placed a charm on the house so no one knew magic was being performed there. ( The charm came in very handy growing up). He got up to the door and instead of knocking, he pointed his wand at the door and said bombarda. The door blew open and he walked right in.
As he walked in he spotted all three Dursleys stuffing their fat faces not even caring that Harry was not there. Remus kept his wand raised at them, they were scared out of they minds. All Petunia could get out was you.
Yes Petunia it is I. ( Remus meet Petunia once a few years before Harry was born and he hated her then)I've came for three things and you will never see me or Harry again. Vernon Dursley spoke up and said take the ungrateful little freak. Remus was really getting angry now. Remus flicked his wand at the whale of a man and said Everte Statum. Sending the whale flying backwards. As Remus did this, he said you will never speak about Harry like that again.
Now on to the business at hand , Remus took the paper out of his pocket and handed it to Petunia and said sign it. When she signed it he put it back into his pocket and said now where is Harry's room. Petunia pointed to the cupboard under the stairs. Remus's inner wolf was getting even angry again and he started growling again as he walked over to the cupboard and looked in it. There was nothing in there even good enough for a dog.
He turned back around and walk back to the Dursleys.(Now he did not want to do anything that would send him to Azkaban, good thing he is a Marauder) He raised his wand and pointed it at the whale and said Jelly fingers. Now every time the fat bastard tried to eat, every time he will find it hard to grab his silverware. Next he raised his wand to Dudley Dursley and said piglet. Dudley grew a pig nose and tail, now everyone will know he is a pig. Last but not least Petunia he turned to her and said gossip magnet. Now she will think anyone and everyone is talking about her. He walked out of the house and said coloro. The color of the house turn from a light brown like all the others to a bright pink. He took off the ante attention charm and walked back to Miss Figg's house.

A Godfather's mission
FanfictionLittle 5 years old Harry has been living with his so called relatives the Durselys since he was 11/2 years old. And he has been living in hell ever since. In till one day a man from his past comes and changes his life forever. I've have updated the...