• From Good To Bad: 1/3 •

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{Robyn's POV}

[I walked into school, uneasy and nauseous. I know what's happening, I just don't wanna believe it. I'm pregnant. I told my mom, and she beat me. All. Night. Long. I have huge bruises and scratches around my whole body. I still can't believe I fought back, though. And won. It was a very rough and unstable fight, but I won. But, I don't know how I'm going to tell Mr. August. I called him earlier this morning and told him I had to tell him something. It's been three weeks, I took the test, and it came out positive. I see Y/N and turn in the other direction. I can't let my best friend see me like this. She ran up anyway, though.]

"Robyn, what the fuck.... Why are you wearing sweats? If you wear sweats, you would at least put a cute shirt on with it. What happened?"

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