"YOU WHAT??" Adrien's father lifted an eyebrow at his son. "Sorry father, it's just not like you to invite people over..." Gabriel reverted his eyes back to his computer screen. "Yes, well this time will have to be an exception. I would like to use this opportunity to teach Miss Dupain-Cheng a few things and enhance her designing abilities. She has a great amount of talent, and I would like her to work for me once she is willing."
Adrien was in shock. His father, the forever mysterious Gabriel Agreste, has not only invited one of Adrien's friends to spend time at his house, but to stay for two weeks. And Marinette is a girl! Nino said sleepovers with girls and boys are 'considered inappropriate', so why would his father schedule one? "Okay. Thank you, father." He contemplated hugging him, but decided against it and went to his room.
Nonetheless, Adrien was very excited. His first sleepover ever! And with one of his best friends, too! It was the middle of June, so no school. Just a few online courses Adrien had to take once a week regarding piano. What if Marinette could take the courses with him? Would she enjoy that? Adrien felt a ball of excitement swell in his stomach. They would watch movies every night, maybe cuddle in the couch? Chat and Marinette had cuddled a few times while she finished her homework. He greatly enjoys the sensation, but would she accept the action while Adrien wasn't Chat? He pushed the thought away, immediately replacing it with the fun they will have in the pools, indoor or outdoor according to the weather that day. And then, Adrien suddenly imagined kissing Marinette. Not just a peck, but a good, hearty kiss. "Woah, where did that come from?" Adrien said under his breath. The thought of it gave him butterflies. But...why? He likes Ladybug...right?
Plagg emerged from behind the TV once the door clicked behind Adrien. "You ok kid? You look kind of flustered." Plagg ate an alarming amount of cheese in one final gulp, and then looked over at Adrien. He seemed more ready then usual for any of Adrien's twisted thought.
"Yeah I'm good Plagg. This afternoon has been weird. What time is it?" Adrien checked his phone. "3:45. Perfect. Want to go visit Marinette Plagg?"
Plagg rolled his large green and yellow eyes. "I suppose I don't have much say, do I." Adrien chuckled. "Not really. Plagg, claws out!" A flash of green light revealed a freshly costumed Chat Noir, who opened his window and escaped into the city, headed for Marinette's house.

Miraculous Fan-fiction: The Trip
FanfictionWhile Marinette's parents are away on a trip, Marinette will have to survive classes, being Ladybug, Chat's puns, oh yeah, and staying at Adrien's house for two weeks. Just a tad lemony, a sprinkle of sin, and a buttload ships. 🚨DISCLAIMER::IF YOU...