KinkyBoots-Grow for Me (pt. 3)

311 16 57

I might have a slight obsession with Little Shop of Horrors


Enjoy reading!!!!

TW: Blood, mentions of abuse

"Aw, Christine." Jared said to the plant. "I don't know what to do anymore. I've given you water, plant food, and plenty of sunlight, but you just don't need that."

Christine 2 was looking sickly. The head was drooping, and the leaves were starting to turn yellow. Like the real Christine, the plant wasn't doing so well...

"I've given you light and minerals. I've even tried giving you the stuff I use at home. What else do you want from me? Blood?" Jared asked. He turns around, and he picks up his rose cutters. He raised to trim some of the bushes, but he slipped, and cut his thumb. Christine 2 perked its head up, smelling the blood in the air.

Jared turned around, and noticed the plant. "You're serious."

The plant seemed to nod.

"Well, I guess a drop wouldn't hurt too much, now would it?" Jared squeezes a little bit of blood in the plant's open mouth. The plant closed its mouth, satisfied. Immediately, it looked a million times better. The leaves turned a bright green, and the plant seemed to be rising up. Even though Christine 2 didn't have eyes, it seemed to be staring intently at Jared, licking its lips.

"Mr. Reyes! You have to come see this!" Jared shouted. "It's the plant!"

Mr. Reyes hurried into the shop. "My god!" He shouted when he saw the plant swell.

"What do I do?" Jared asked.

"What have you done?" Mr. Reyes asked back.

"I don't know. I mean-"

"Jared," Mr. Reyes put his hands on Jared's shoulders. "We are gonna be famous!"

Days passed and the plant was going viral. News was spreading all over the skid row, downtown, and Jared was even featured on the news for an interview about the strange Christine 2. Meanwhile, Christine 2 was growing bigger every day. Even though Jared sometimes felt dizzy or nausea waves, he couldn't stop feeding that plant what it needed in order to grow. Good luck seemed to come his way when the plant was satisfied. The shop got more and more customers, Christine stopped by every day, and Mr. Reyes even offered to take him in.

Jared looked at Christine 2, sighing. "Who cares if I've been on the anemic side these past few weeks? So what if I've had a few dizzy spells? A little light-headedness? It's been worth it, old pal. Chrissy 2, I'm a little hungry. I'm gonna go down to Schmendrick's and get a bite to eat. I'll see ya later!" He turned to open the door.

The plant growled. Jared sighed, knowing what the plant needed. He looked down at his bandages hands.

"Oh boy. Here we go again. Chrissy, I haven't got much left - look, just let me heal a few more days, okay? Then we'll start on the left hand again." Jared rubbed his hands together, making the bandages reveal his fingers a little.

"Feed me!" Barked a harsh voice. Jared turned around, face-to-face with the plant.

"I beg your pardon?" Jared asked. "Did you say something?"

"Feed me!" Christine 2 repeated. Jared stood in shock.

"Christine! Chrissy-You talked! You opened your... trap, your thing, and you said-"

"Feed me, Kleinman, feed me now!" The plant interrupted.

"I can't!"

"I'm starvin'!" Christine 2 opened its mouth to reveal pink skin and sharp teeth, like a shark's.

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