Author's Note

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Hey guys I just wanted to give a shout out to my dear best friend...actually sister...Alysha Ray. She's been my best friend for forever and she's always been there for me. We are literally the exact same person and nothing can change how much I care about her. She's so special to me and I can't imagine my life without her. She's such a beautiful girl and she has such a kind heart. I just love her to death and would do anything for her. I even consider her family my own. That's how close we are. She's been so helpful with this fic and has given me so much inspiration for it. I cannot express how much I appreciate her for it. I certainly wouldn't be the same person I am today if she hadn't come into my life when she did.

One day we were riding the bus home and we were talking about fics we've read and I told her I was gonna start writing them soon. She said it would be so cool if she ever came across a fic where Negan adopted Carl. That's when ideas started forming. I wrote up a rough draft in just one night and "showed" it to her soon after. She was so excited about it, I had to keep writing. If I had just written the original story for you guys, you'd probably all hate it and I definitely would not have gotten as far as I have if it weren't for you all. Mainly A.R.A. I said it once and I will not hesitate to say it again: I love her so fucking much and I will do absolutely anything and everything for her.

Please be sure to check out her story called "Beautifully Broken (Dean X Reader)". I'm almost positive you guys will love it. She has such a great sense of humor and she definitely expresses it in this fic. I love you all so much and hope you have a great day. A.k.f. and k.o.k.o. And I love you so goddamn much Alysha Ray!!!! And as she says "Everyone needs a smile" (THAT QUOTE IS COPYRIGHTED SO DON'T FUCKING THINK YOU CAN STEAL IT FOR YOUR OWN)

Love you all!!!


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