Sherlock x Reader. Just like me.

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You and Sherlock were laying on the roof, staring up at the sky, passing a cigarette between you two. Today was not your day, for either of you. You were both stumped by Moriarty's little game. A case, easy, but you and Sherlock both had to work on it. The purpose of that wasn't at all clear,

"If he wanted the case to take time then he wouldn't have wanted us to work together." You both said and sat up, looking at each other. "So the ploy involves us! But why?" You both asked.

You laid back and thought about the case. You two had become close during this case, physically close.You had to go undercover and act as a couple to investigate, which hugging, hand-holding, and even kissing.

The thing is, when you did kiss, you both refused to admit anything about it. But, truthfully, you both loved it, when your lips touched you felt bombs go off between your lips, you never wanted it to end, either of you. If you didn't however, people wouldv'e assumed things.

Your thoughts were interupted by the burning of your fingers. "Ow!" You dropped the burning cigarette and shook your hand to cool it off. Sherlock snapped back and put out the cigarette and took your hand. He saw the burn mark and pressed a soft kiss to your burnt finger tips.

You blushed a bit and smiled at him. "S-Sorry." He mumbled, but kept hold of your hand.

"It's fine." You replied softly. He looked up in your eyes then unconsiously leaned in, you did as well. Before your lips touched you both stopped and smiled. "I get it!" You both yelled and jumped up, standing.

"It was all a ploy to get us to act on the small shred of sentiment we have for eachother." You said.

"And the shred grew larger and larger." Sherlock continued. He wrapped you up in his arms and spun you around.

"The truth is, I love you." You both said and kissed eachother.

"He made us feel sentiment so he could break us." You said in the breaks of the kiss.

"But he only made us stronger." Sherlock continued in the breaks. He pulled back and looked deep into your eyes. "He made me realise that you're just like me."


Hey guys. This one shot is to honor the fact that my new fan fic is up and published. It's a Sherlock fan fic, hence the Sherlock one shot. It's gonna be long. I didn't even realize how long it was. The first part is 12 pages long! I am so proud oy myself. You guys should check it out and my Doctor Who fan fic as well. Thanks guys, peace out...BOOP

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