Chapter 21 - Whispering

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"You alright?" Gidget asked gently, placing a paw on Tiberius's shoulder. It was just a small touch, more like a tap. But it was enough to make his tail fan out. Gidget giggled while Norman tried to help the old hawk refold his tail. Done, he got to his feet. Before the Pomeranian and the hawk could leave though, Norman asked, "What are you guys doing today?"

"Nothing, just hanging out," Gidget answered.

"Just hanging out..." Norman repeated slowly but cheerfully. He winked his left eye at them, a playful sparkle in his eyes. Clearing his throat, Tiberius piped up, "Gidget, do you think you can wait outside for a moment? Norman and I need to have a talk really quick." Nodding her head in understanding, Gidget trotted out as she called over her shoulder, "Don't take too long." Holding the door open for her, the old hawk said reassuringly, "It'll take a few seconds here." Shutting it slightly, he led Norman towards the back of the shed. Putting his wing up so Gidget wouldn't hear him, Tiberius hissed quietly, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just hinting that you should take her out," Norman squeaked joyfully, smiling cutely. Confused, Tiberius asked, "You want me to fight her?"

"Not that kind of take out."

"What other take out is there?!"

"Think, you're the smartest person I know."


"You want me to WHAT?!"

"What are you guys whispering about?" Gidget's voice asked gently from outside the shed. Lifting his head, Tiberius called out, "Nothing! Just... uh... guy stuff!" Turning towards Norman, he whispered, "You're so dead!"

"Aren't you the one who told me that you had a crush on Gidget for awhile now?" Norman pointed out quietly. Tiberius quickly covered his mouth as he muttered, "Do you want the whole world to hear?!"

"You're not great at whispering, you know that?"

"JUST... just answer the question."

"Don't worry, I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone."

"Oh thank goodness..."

"But you're gonna have to tell her soon."

"I can't tell her that! She'll think I'm nuts!"

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do. And she's with Max."

"Yeah, there is that..."


"But it's better to tell her now than wait until it's too late. Don't miss this opportunity. Go seize your moment!"

"You watch too many movies, first off. Second off, are you sure?"

"Yeah, just tell her how you feel."

Sighing heavily as he glanced over at the shed door, Tiberius mumbled, "Fine, I'll tell her. But only when I'm ready, got it?" Norman nodded his head energetically. Turning to leave, the old hawk added, "And remember, you tell anyone-"

"I know, you'll disembowel me, whatever that word means..." Norman replied, chasing his friend out of the shed as he added, "Now go have fun!"

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