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Lee Hoseok: Babe!

Y/N: What hoe

Lee Hoseok: I got a paper cut!!

Y/N: Congratulations 👏

Lee Hoseok: It hurts and it's bleeding

Y/N: That's what a paper cut does

Lee Hoseok: Wanna see?

Y/N: Uh no thank you, I'm terrified of blood

Lee Hoseok: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll pass out if I see a cut or even a drop of blood

Lee Hoseok: So you pass out on your period haha

Y/N: That's different

Lee Hoseok: Mhm

Y/N: ahh let's change the subject, just talking about it makes me dizzy

Lee Hoseok: ofc babe....so what do you want to talk about

Y/N: Um....idk actually

Y/N: Wait, I actually do!

Lee Hoseok: What is it

Y/N: I'm getting a puppy!!

Lee Hoseok: Awww lucky, my manager won't let us have pets

Y/N: Ha sucks for you

Lee Hoseok: Hmph

Y/N: I'm getting a beagle and it's going to be so cute omg I'm living

Lee Hoseok: Watch it hate you

Y/N: Shut up

Lee Hoseok: What are you gonna do with it? Fan girl over Wonho?

Y/N: You read my mind

Lee Hoseok: I'm honestly much hotter than Wonho btw

Y/N: Wonho is way hotter than any guy I have seen

Lee Hoseok: Thanks

Y/N: ?

Lee Hoseok: Thanks for making me feel down now

Y/N: Aww did I hurt your feelings?

Lee Hoseok: No... I just know I'm very attractive, girls be dripping

Y/N: Narcissist

Y/N: hoe

Y/N: = Narhoe

Y/N: You're a Narhoe

Lee Hoseok: That's doesn't make sense

Y/N: It clearly does

"Y/N! Let's go, we're gonna be late!!" Changkyun shouts impatiently.

Y/N: Oh yeah that's right! I gotta go with Changkyun to meet his members again

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