Chapter Twenty- Draco's POV

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I finally had her back. I was afraid of losing her though. The thing was, I had her. I'd gotten my way thankfully. I didn't realise how much I had missed her until I got her back.

We were fourteen. We had so much of our lives in front of us to make memories and spend time together.

It had been a few weeks since we'd gotten back together and the Yule Ball was fast approaching.

"Meet me later at half eight," I told her, entwining myself around her in a fiery embrace.

I felt her suck her breath in and she said,

"Of course. I'll be in the library waiting for you. But why?" She asked.

"I do have a reason but don't get there until half eight please because I have to prepare something," I warned her, then I grazed my lips lightly against hers.

"Ok, ok. I have to go get food then before I go to do homework," she said, gently pulling away from me but she blew me a quick kiss and ran to the dinner hall.

I decided to give it a miss and began to head to the library.

"Hello Madame Pince. If I don't make a mess and tidy up afterwards, may I set something up in the far corner? It's for someone special?" I asked tentatively, keeping my voice to a whisper.

She surveyed me and regarded me with curiosity but said.

"Ok Mr Malfoy. As long as you don't make too much of a racket," she agreed.

"Thank you," I thanked gratefully.

She nodded and returned to her books and I began to set up flower bunches and put up some pretty lights and I made a TV appear. I wasn't sure how to function it but I had a few DVD's to watch. I'd have to have Hermione's help with those too. I'd decided to make letters form in the air over the lights when the movie ended and I'd swirl them so they formed a small dove and the dove would ask her to come to the ball with me.

I nervously paced around for a long time awaiting her arrival and ran into Harry and Ron.

"Hey You two! Can you come help me? Since I know you know Hermione quite a deal better than I do, do you think she'd like what I've set up?" I enquired, tugging them both into the library.

Ron's jaw dropped and Harry's eyes took it all in.

"She'll love it!" Ron said supportively.

A/N: I'm far too mean to Ron in stories he's basically my fourth fave character OMG or joined third rather! I'm going to comicon and Rupert Grint will be there and imma get an autograph and a photo hopefully! Omg ahahgawhsgge so fangirling ! It'll be so great to meet him! Ron is gonna be nice in all my stories from now on because I don't believe he's mean at all, he just wants the best for people. Love u Ron !

"Yeah. I know she will and I gotta give you credit! I'd go with you if I was her!" Harry said.

"Oh Harry my love would you accompany me there?" I joked.

He took my arm, foolishly fluttering his lashes as we larked about.

"Of course Draco my darling," he laughed.

"Oi! You were cheating on me? How could you?" Ron joined in.

We all larked spring for ages and my attention was momentarily diverted to the clock. I saw I only had five minutes before she showed up.

"Can you two be on the door for me and then you are free to do whatever!" I asked pleadingly.

They both nodded and magicked suits onto themselves.

I combed Ron's hair neatly and tried to gel Harry's down so that it wasn't so messy at the sides.

"Thanks, now stand either side!" I told them.

Hermione came in wearing her hair in two bunches all springy with her soft wavy curls.

She was wearing some pretty skirt in a green mint colour and she had a black vest top on and she was wearing some pretty sparkly shoes.

Her jumper went over the shoulders and it was big and fluffy and black and it swamped her a little. Her fringe was all neat and parted to the sides and I noticed she had subtle peachy makeup on and the only exception were her lips. They had red lipstick on them and made her pout look somewhat gorgeous and seductive.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the two familiar doormen.

"Welcome lady Hermione. Sir Draco is waiting for you," Harry said poshly.

"Do not hesitate to ask for refreshments if you require," Ron added.

She thanked them both with a giggle and advanced towards me, and I let her take in the scenery before advancing from the shadows and putting my arms round her stomach from behind, gently pressing myself against her so she felt my obvious hardness.

She jumped but relaxed when she knew it was me.

"Draco, What is all this? It's gorgeous!" She asked.

"A date and something else. Now, I have some films for you and I to watch and you will have to show me how to work it all but I thought I'd be romantic. I didn't fully think it through." He groaned.

She slotted in the movie the parent trap and we began to watch, me enthralled, watching intently, fascinated by such cleverness.

I was baffled as to how it worked without magic, but it was all fine in the end and halfway through, Ron and Harry gave us some pumpkin juice and some pumpkin pasties.

When the movie was done, they left along with Madame Pince who told me I had half an hour left.

I got the lights to work their magic and she was surprised when the dove chirped the message clear as day.

She was stunned and speechless.

"I... of course!" She replied, throwing her arms around me.

I lay against the bookcase and she sat between my legs and I wrapped my arms around her and we sat like that for a while, totally loved up.

"I love you Hermione." I said.

"I love you too," she responded quietly, with no hesitation.

I checked the clock and reluctantly thought about getting up. In the end, I put Hermione over my shoulder and she began to protest a little bit but after I'd made it spotless,I carried her to her room,where her eyes were drooping slightly.

"Goodnight my love," I whispered, kissing her cheek and then grabbing her for one heartfelt snog before letting her get down and go into her room.

I was so looking forward to the Yule Ball. My love was coming with me and I couldn't have been happier at that moment.

A/N: hope you loved that so much! I really love this story! Love you all my BonBons! Thanks for all the reads on my stories and comments and votes ! I'm so grateful! Love you all my BonBons love from PotterheadBonBon 💗💗

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