"Fine," Zoe sighed. "You got them kissing, but I'm gonna get them flirting."

"Nope, I'll make sure all the cute bits are on my vlog," Katie said.

It then hit me that they were talking about us. Me and Dianne.

"Do they have bets over which one of them can catch us together the most?!" Dianne whispered, gobsmacked.

"And they're bloody uploading it to the internet!" I growled. My sister and my best friend exposing me like this? WHERE WAS THE LOYALTY?!

"The audacity," Dianne said.

"The audacity indeed," I replied. "Should we confront them?"

"No way," Dianne grinned. "They don't know that we know. What's better is they also don't know we're dating. Think about the fun we could have with this."

The glint in her eye told me I had SO found the right person to be my girlfriend. I nodded, and we decided to stage something. We slowly got up and crept to the door so it seemed like we'd only just entered the building. We were chatting and laughing, no longer trying to be inconspicuous. We acted like best friends, but as if no chemistry had ever been there. Then we looked straight over to the others before they could press record and ran over to them.

"Hey guys!" Dianne grinned, pulling up a chair.

"Hi," Caspar said, looking pained he hadn't caught that on camera. The others looked the same. It made me so satisfied.

"Damn, I'm surprised you're both so happy given the amount you drank last night," Briar raised her eyebrows at us.

"It's like almost 4pm," I laughed. "Hangovers don't last forever. Also, didn't know you all hung out together! When did this start?"

It was evident that none of them had thought about a background story for this. Their eyes widened slightly and they looked at each other. I don't think they could've made it more obvious if they'd tried.

"Okay, so after you invited me and Katie to watch your rehearsal, we kinda got talking and became friends," Neil said. "Then we were hanging out and because Katie and Caspar are friends and Caspar was with Briar, us four started hanging out and then Zoe wanted to talk to me and Katie about you two and we were with Briar and Caspar and so our group just kinda formed from there."

It was a believable story, I'll give him that. Potentially had an element of truth. But it wasn't why they were all hanging out together. I didn't push it though, because Dianne was right - we could have so much fun with them not knowing we know.

"Cool," I smiled. "Nice knowing we're all friends now. I just came to wish you luck before you compete and Dianne wanted to congratulate Katie on winning."

"Excuse me, my team won too," Caspar pouted.

"Congrats South Africa too then," Dianne laughed. "Has Canada been yet?"

"No," Briar shook her head. "We're against Italy before the UK takes on Poland."

"Oh cool," I smiled.

"You know, we're all probably going to be against each other soon if we keep advancing," I said. "After today there's only 16 teams left."

"It'll be weird competing against you all," Briar chewed her lip. "But winning Internationals is my priority. I'm the dance captain, if we lose it looks bad on me."

"All our thoughts," Dianne agreed.

"It'll be one of you three in the final though," Caspar said. "It always is. Who do you reckon it'll be?"

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