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When he left my house I felt really bad. I didn't want him to leave I was really just being extra and overreacting

I know what he was trying to do. He was trying to make there be a lot of sexual tension and frustration that we would of just had sex the whole night but it didn't work

I have to text him to make sure he's not mad

Taylor- I'm sorry

Corbyn- whatever

Taylor- please don't be mad at me

Corbyn- I'm really not mad at you I don't care I just winammaksjd

Taylor- ???

What is going on. This is weird

Taylor- Corbyn?

He doesn't respond and I get worried

Taylor- Corbyn???

Taylor- Babe come on answer me

He still won't answer and it's been an hour

Now I'm really scared

I call him and it goes to voicemail. But not a mad voicemail like he declined but a voicemail where he didn't answer

Suddenly I get a call from Daniel

I answer it already knowing what I'm about to hear



"Please Taylor come to the hospital"

"I'll be right there"
I get to the hospital and run in

I see his dads both with tears down their faces holding Zach who is also crying

Jack is next to them and he just looks mad. His fists are balled up and he looks surprisingly really scary.

I can't go up to them. They will probably yell at me. I know this is all my fault.

I turn around and start to walk out of the hospital

As my hand reaches the door handle I realize how selfish I'm being

I mean my boyfriend is in the hospital after getting into a car accident which is my fault and I'm more worried about being yelled at

But I just can't sit there with his family looking like that when I know it was me

"T-Taylor" I turn around and Zach's standing there


"C-corbys hurt" he says with his voice shaking

He starts to cry but I pick him up

"He's going to be okay"

"N-no he isnt. A car hit him really hard he-he isn't waking up"


"I know. I don't want Corby to die. Taylor is corby going to die" he panicking

"No no he's not going to die I promise you."


"No Zach he will not d-"

"-Corbyn Marais-Seavey"

I see Jonah and Daniel stand up and I bring Zach over

They see me and give me a small smile but I can just see a hint of mad

"So he is okay. His left leg is broken and he has a few cracked ribs but other than that he's good. He isn't in any sort of coma which is good and surprising for what happened. He is sleeping right now but he should wake up in a few hours on his own or if you end up going in the room it may be less. He already went to surgery and that's all his room is 1125."

"Thank you so much"

The doctor walks away and Jonah takes Zach very harshly out of my arms

Oh no he's mad

"Is corby okay?" Zach asks

"Yes baby he is"

"A-are you sure"

"Yes Zachy He is perfectly okay"

"I wanna see him. I miss my brother"

"I know you do he needs to sleep though"

"B-But the doctor he-he said we can see him. Pleeeeeease daddy I want him please"

"Fine but you have to be quiet okay"

"O-okay. Can Taylor please come too"

"Absolutely not" he turns away from me and walks out the door to the hospital rooms

Wow he really does hate me

I turn away from the door and walk over to where Jack is sitting. I see him and sit next to him

"Why did you text him" He says turning to me


"You were the last person he texted. Why did you text him. You killed my brother"


"No don't talk to me"

"Jack he didn't die"

"Whatever you're the reason he's in the hospital"

"I didn't know he was still driving."

"But you still texted him. You should've waited till he told you he was home"

"He doesn't do that"

"But he does I saw it"

"We were in a fight he wouldn't have texted me"

"Oh great you did this on purpose"

"What Jack no"

"Whatever But me and my dad hate you"

"Both of them?"

"No just Jonah. Daniel doesn't hate anyone but I do."

"I really didn't want this to happen"

"Sure" he rolls his eyes and Daniel comes out of the room and smiles towards me

"Corbyn woke up he wants to see you Taylor."

"She can't see him" Jack says

"Jack don't be like that"

"Well she can't see him. She's the reason"

"I really didn't mean it. I swear. I-I love your brother"

"No you don't"

"Jack stop that right now. Now Taylor I know you didn't mean it but he really wants to see you"

"Where's Jonah and Zach?"

"Jonah doesn't want to see you and doesn't want you around Zach. I'm sorry"


"But he'll get over it trust me"

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