Chapter 4: Oh NO! Kakashi Don't Look!

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The aim was to punch him in his stupid, perverted face. Accomplishing that, I take pride in it, as I have no basic concepts of how to fight ingrained into me, less it comes out as instinctual. Even so, I can't say I wanted to punch him because I got angry, or that he was perverted and obviously had that as a dominant aspect of his personality, or even because I'm just violent. My reasoning on it didn't really filter into any sort of rational, I don't even wish to fight the guy. Actually, there is no purpose in my actions, marking me perhaps as one of lesser human integrity.

Taking note of the young and curious Kakashi, I restrain my impulse to continue, using the excuse of him looking at my non-existent chest. One hit was justified under that circumstance. It wasn't as if I'd managed to knock the giant man over, he'd merely backed into the fence behind, rubbing at his jaw. Considering the smile he had on, I expect he was used to such actions, which wouldn't surprise me.

"You have a solid right hook..." Was that a compliment or statement? Jiraiya seemed to baffle me a little, I couldn't pinpoint his demeanour at all. "Then again, you do always date strong-willed women Sakumo." There was a taunting leer on his face, coloured oddly by the pink imprint I'd left. Why is this guy so insistent that we're together? Its almost irritating. Evaluating his attitude, however, I would have to say that he and my host are in fact, good friends. At least, that is how it appears to a common eye.

Picking himself up from the fence he looks ready to make a nuisance of himself, poking at Kakashi-chan, and laughing with Sakumo at a sentence I can't hear from here. Tsunade sighs loudly, making me realize she'd moved just behind me as I'd been busy watching the two men acting a bit stupid, and hadn't even noticed. "Honestly... Those two. I do wonder sometimes if Sakumo is as perverted as Jiraiya, then I remember he's not a complete idiot." She giggled, smiling at me, while I took a moment to ponder at their relationship. Kakashi-chan was familiar with both of them it seemed and was even giggling at what Tsunade's partner had said to him. I couldn't say in certainty, but the way Sakumo-san seemed to trust him implicitly makes me think that they are closer then comrades.

In fact, familiarity tells me the truth of the matter. They are best friends.

"Jiraiya! I cannot put him into the academy yet! He's only three!" Followed by a boisterous laugh, while Tsunade sighs once more, and I have to laugh a little. The face Sakumo makes is enough to make anyone amused. As if he'd unexpectedly walked into a pile of brown on the ground and is currently being humiliated by his peers.

Calling it early, but today is going to be a pleasant one I think.

We all end up leaving the alleyway together, Tsunade running up to speak to the two men, and Kakashi-chan of course, while I stay back. Its not insulting though, surprisingly the simplicity of their interactions and warmth gives me a deeper sense of belonging.

I notice the sun is bright today, no clouds to block its path, the sky too is a pale blue, with only shadows of dancing birds. There's wind but it isn't chilling, rather just there without temperature, sweeping the leaves laying about up in a spiral. Everyone's hair joins along, my own spikes refusing to lift. To my own detriment, a glare of sun catches me in the eye all everything brightens.

Rather content, I am reminded of the book I purchased for no seen reason, perhaps as I have this peace, it'd be best to read for a little while. I find that it is difficult to retrieve from the bag nearest my elbow, but I do manage to fish for it without seeing and pull it out without dropping anything.

An accomplishment in itself, I am rather precariously balanced. Practically forming a walking shelf among the streets, an amusing image I'm sure.

Not nearly as the book I'd bought, while I still don't know why such a ridiculous looking thing had caught my attention, I owe it to myself to see if the answers were within. The pages are crisp as I open it, the smell reaching me refreshingly. Well, if the book doesn't turn out to be all that remarkable at least I have a possession that I can actively think of as mine, that isn't mere clothing or a headband.

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