The sun draped on the field, another hot day. You were starting it of by practicing some football(or soccer).
Yup a very sporty person...kidding you were only doing this cause your parents forced you to take up football ever since you were young. You actually loved the arts of dance. Normally, you would find yourself passing-by the studio to watch students do some choreography which seemed cool.
You sighed and kicked the ball as hard as you could. You were tired of obeying your parents, football was never your thing, they only told you to join because they were football players themselves
"Woah chill there y/n." Wooyoung chuckled. You turned back to glare at the boy.
"Screw off Wooyoung. You dont know how hard it is to play football." You shouted. Wooyoung hugged you tightly as you felt the blush creep up your cheeks.
"I kinda do dummy. My friend plays football too." Wooyoung pulled from the hug.
"So what tryna set me up on another date?" You sarcastically said.
"You could say that." Wooyoung smirked. You scoffed.
"Wooyoung, im not trying to look for a guy to date now." Wooyoung shook his head.
"Your already 20 this year, when are you going to find a guy?" Wooyoung said.
"And when are you going to find a girl?" Wooyoung chuckled.
"Nah i dont go for girls. I have San remember." You cringed at all their moments.
"Ah how could i forget the famous Woosan ship. Dont tell me you guys actually gave a try." Wooyoung nodded.
"Its going to be our 1 year anniversary now." Wooyoung proudly smiled. Your jaw dropped.
"So all the touchy stuff are just you guys being coupley?" You asked. Wooyoung smiled and nodded.
"Damn congrats dude. Im your friend and i dont even know about it." You said.
"Thanks but still the problem lies on you! When are you getting yourself a dic-"
"NOPE NOT GETTING ONE AND THATS FINAL!" You shut Wooyoung up and all he did was pout. San and another dude came by.
"Wooyoungie~" San smiled. Wooyoung ran to San and hugged him. Both you and the guy looked at them weirdly, why did they have to be so cuddly? You cringed at the sight.