"Goodmoring everyone" Lavendertail mewedShadowfang
She peeked her head out of the bush. Everything was still quiet. Shadowfang sighed and padded out from under it. It was lonely, but she may be safer this way.Appleleaf
Appleleaf yawned she was to tired to do anythingSnowair
Snowair sat by the fkp pile. She noticed Lavendartail "Good morning" she smiled.Lavendertail
"How are you today" Lavendertail mewedShadefeather
Shadefeather stretched briefly, then stood. He probably should do something. Not that there was much for him to do. Maybe there was something in camp he could do, like fixing a den.Sleetstorm
Sleetstorm padded out of the medicine den. He yawned and stretched. Bits of herb scraps clung to his fluffy fur.Snowair
"Good. You?" she picked out a vole.Lavendertail
"Good" she mewedLavendertail
Lavendertail padded out of camp for a walkBlackcloud
Blackcloud walked to the medicine Den "sleetstorm?"Shadowfang
Shadowfang trotted through the forest. She had better balance, and she could run at small bursts.Sleetstorm
"Yes, Blackcloud?" Sleetstorm asked.dLavendertail
Lavendertail sniffed the airMoon
Moon smelled some on an found a cat, 'shadow...fang?' She thoughtShadowfang
Shadowfang made her way down the bank to the springs to get some water. She'd hunt later. She bent her head down and lapped up the water.Snowair
She sat by her favorite tree and ate her vole. A question came into her head as she looked at the camp entrance. *My sister hasn't visited me for a while... what happened?* she thought worried.Moon
You have to be kidding!' She thoughtSplash
Splash crawled out from under the tree stump. He sniffed the air. Was was Ash? He looked around the small clearing. Where were Duckwing and Mouse?Moon
She stalked up to is shadow whats-it and hissed, "who are you?"Shadowfang
Shadowfang shot her head up and whirled around. She unsheathed her claws, her eyes wide from the surprise. "What...?"Moon
Who are you, mouse brain?" She repeatedShadowfang
"No one," Shadowfang said in a low voice. This cat was a rogue. She shouldn't trust rogues with her name.Moon
Well no one," she acted as if she was a kit, "I'm moon, the seven moon old that's braver than a warrior" she mocked shadow-whats-itSleetstorm
"Yes, Blackcloud?" Sleetstorm asked again.Blackcloud
"Have you seen Appleleaf " he asked looking at sleetstorm then the skyLavendertail
Lavendertail walked back to campShadowfang
"Uh....." Shadowfang hesitated in speaking. She flattened her ears.Sleetstorm
"Sorry to say, but I haven't," Sleetstorm meowed. He gave him a skeptical look, "She's missing?"Moon
She went to drink from the pool, claws unsheathedSnowair
She jumped up and stood looking around back at the fkp. She has already hunted for the Clan earlier with Dreamsage so it would be ok for her to go.
ShadeClan Roleplay | Volume One
FanfictionThis is a roleplay from a chat on another site. I talked with a lot of people and they agreed that I would be fun to publish the entire roleplay. This is based off of the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter. If you are not aware of their books, I highly...
Part 50
Start from the beginning