Chapter 37: Movie Nights

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Song: Be Alright - Ariana Grande

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Hope's POV:

2 weeks later.

It's been a few weeks since Chance and I had been let out of the hospital. Obviously I was let out first due to my injuries being less harsh than his. By less harsh I mean I wasn't beaten to a pulp and kicked until my ribs were broken.

Although his bruising was still pretty bad, a lot of the swelling had gone down, thankfully. Unfortunately for his ribs they were still very broken, but they were slowly healing.

He was allowed to go back to college luckily and I'd be starting a new semester soon.

Chance had some how seduced me into staying at his place for the last few weeks in order to make sure he was 'okay'.

I knew for a fact that he knew he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself as he had been doing so for years yet here I am, staying in his guest bedroom and taking care of him like I was his mother.

Clearly his own mother never did a good job of that though.

No matter how many pleas and attempts to guilt me into staying in his room, I told him he either let me stay in the guest bedroom or I would leave and he could fend for himself.

Like the smart man he is, he took the ladder.

Although I'm still awkward (go figure) I can't deny that I love spending nearly every waking moment with him.

So, I currently sat happily perched on one of Chance's bench chairs while reading one of my favorite books on Wattpad: After.

Apparently a movie was being made about it soon and I would happily drag my friends and or Chance to the movies to see it.

I should go out to lunch with my friends soon, haven't seen them in a while and I'm sure they won't forget to inform me about that.

Well they had come and visited me while I was in Hospital, Amanda was extremely angry at me for putting myself in harms way, along with Toby... well I swear that day Toby had turned straight.

It was the way he was raging and screaming about wanting to kill those men. His voice was deep and no longer girly and honestly I was scared.

That entire time they were there and yelling, all I wanted to do was sleep.

Now that I'm thinking about it, Chance had been sleeping all day. That's all he really had done since we got home.

He wasn't able to go back to work due to his induries obviously but he was going back to his forensic science classes so I was happy about that at least.

I wasn't complaining, I enjoyed the quietness. It was comforting knowing he was in the same area, even if I wasn't talking to him.

I just missed my cat Leo. I wondered if Chance would be alright if I could bring Leo over here to stay for a while. Amanda had been taking care of him happily and I missed seeing him.

I had seen him a few days ago but that was only to get new clothes and other things.

I sighed heavily, reaching for my cup of hot Ovaltine and taking a long gulp. I set the flowery cup back down in its spot and continued reading.

I must've been reading for a lot longer than I thought because the sun was setting and the sound of Chance groaning loudly whilst the bed was creaking could be heard.

Finally after hours on end he was awake.

I knew he would be in pain, so I got up and grabbed a few different medications; the ones that the hospital and doctors prescribed for him and just some Panadol I picked up from the chemist.

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