Chapter 1 - "You want the truth, or a lie?"

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The strong wind blew Atarah's hair back wildly, the sea they were sailing on was rough, but she was used to rough seas. Then she realised they were just going through the portal, which made her feel really stupid afterwards.

The seas were calm and she looked up at the full moon, her cloak and defensive weapons immediately appeared on her. The moon was bigger than the one that shone in the night at Storybrooke, the moon was one of her favourite parts of this realm.

"Is that it?" Emma asked as they all looked ahead and saw in the distance that there was a land there.

"Aye!" Her brother confirmed. "Neverland!" This made a smile make it way onto Atarah's face. She was back, but something felt different. She guessed being the goddess of nature brought out her nature senses and there was definitely something wrong with the nature here. It was like the land was, dying or something.

"Why are you slowing down?" Regina demanded of the pirate. "In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger!"

"Oh, I know, my hotheaded Queen. My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, then we sail right though and take him by surprise!" Her brother explained his plan. "The irony!"

"What irony?" Regina asked him.

"Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumplestiltskin. And here I am, sailing right back into it's heart with him as my guest of honour. It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping!" Her brother told the Queen and herself as he stood at the wheel.

"Greg Mendell said something funny to me. He said I'm a villain, and that villains don't get happy endings!" Regina said as she looked at the Jones siblings. "Do you two believe that?"

"I hope not!" Her brother exclaimed. "Or we've wasted our lives!"

"I don't know," Atarah reasoned. "But the past times I tried desperately to get a happy ending, something ruined it or Rumplestiltskin pulled me away!" She said not really in the conversation, and Regina noticed this along with Killian.

"Ok, what's going on with you?" Regina asked her. "First, you go crazy on Emma, you stutter and you're alarmingly quiet!"

"It's nothing, Regina!" Atarah told the Queen. "Just drop it!" She sighed as she sat in the floor near them.

She was ripped from her relaxation and comfort when she heard Rumplestiltskin speak up. "No, you won't!" He said as she stood up, once she took in his attire, she raised a brow. He was wearing what he wore back in the Enchanted Forest.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time - a wardrobe change!" Killian remarked.

"I'm gonna get Henry!" He told them all.

"We agreed to do this together!" Judas told his father.

"Actually, son, we made no such agreement!" Rumplestiltskin said as his gaze lingered over Atarah, something they all noticed.

"Why are you doing this?" Emma demanded of him, confused as to why he'd do this.

"Because he's Rumple-fucking-stiltskin!" Atarah told her as she crossed her arms over her chest tightly.

"Because I want to succeed!" He answered simply.

"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?" Emma challenged the man.

"Well, how could you not?" Rumplestiltskin asked. "You don't believe in your parents, or in magic. Or even yourself!"

"I slayed a dragon, I think I believe!" Emma said and Atarah couldn't help but hear the cockiness of her tone, but what she said made Atarah scoff.

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