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Amelia stands back as SEverus adresses the group. She watches as Severus stands, his aura intimidates whoever that doesn't know him. 

"He was angry, furious for not being able to take Potter. He wondered why I didn't answer the call. Someone informed him that I was teaching in Hogwarts. He had your dear cousin cut me with a knife, Black." Severus throws a glance at Sirius. 

"No need to remind me of my heritage, Snivellus, I rather forget it." Sirius says with a frown. Amelia grins sadistacly and walks foward. 

"She has a storm coming her way. I'll be right back." Amelia says while taking out her wand. She goes to leave the room but a hand stops pulls her back. 

"Where do you think you are going?" Severus says with his usual tone. How much he had missed her, but he can tell that she has changed. 

"To kill the bitch." Amelia says with a duh tone. 

She wonders why he is stopping her. It has been a while since she had to stop and think about her actions. She is used to a routine: wake up, fight until someone blows a whistle, eat, shower, feed Frida, sleep. It has been a long time since she has felt such strong emotions. It was like she was feeling a bit more human, like she was a bit more like herself. 

"Amelia, you have to maintain your composure. I know it has been difficult this past few years after the incident. But you can't kill someone because they hurt another person." Albus says from his seat. Amelia throws him a glance before crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I genuinely don't give a flying fuck about you, Albus. I don't take orders from you... I am not part of this." Suddenly a hand swats the back of her head. 

"Language. Stop being so disrespectful." Severus says lowly to her. Amelia stares at his chest. 

"Sorry, sir. I'll be respectful if you want me to." Amelia mumbles out. She grins as memories of her last year come rushing back


Amelia goes down the stairs towards the Great Hall for a study session with Dianna. She carries a pile of books and her casseteplayer. She stiffles a laugh as she watches Frida struggles going down the steep stairs. Suddenly she trips causing her to fall down the last few steps. 

"Is it funny now, killer?" A boy says as he rapidly climbs away from the scene. Amelia huffs as she sits up. She grabs all of her books from the floor. She grabs her cassette player and groans at the broken object. 

"For fuck's sake, why can't I get one freaking break? Now I have to deal with this blundering dickwads without music. This is just fucking great." Amelia mutters to herself as she organizes her pile of books. She looks up as a shadow suddenly drapes over her. 

"Language." Severus growls out as he swats the back of her head with a piece of paper. Amelia looks down shamefully and with redden ears. 

"Sorry sir." Amelia says. She watches as he points his wand on the broken devce and repairs it. He then walks away.

End of flashback......

"Then why are you helping us?" Sirius voice brings Amelia back to reality. She didn't miss the irritated tone he used. She tilts her head to the side and stare at them, wondering how they haven't figured out.

"Because of Severus... I thought it was obvious. Now, sir, do you want me to kill the Malfoy woman?" Amelia says as she looks up at Severus. 

"She only did it to protect her family, you can't kill her." Severus drawls out. 

"Okay!" Amelia says while clapping her hands once. 

"Now, are w going to get this meeting started?"  Amelia says a bit preppy. 

"Make sure that Harry doesn't hear this." Molly points out. Severus uses a spell to sound proof the room. 

"I'll make sure he doesn't use anything to see what is going on in here." Amelia says before inhaling and covering one of her eyes.

She can now see the staircase and the hallway to the entrance of the house. She watches as the kid makes his way to sit on the stairs with a device in hand. He stares at her as she watches them. She can still see as everyone from the sitting room watch her. This is all happening at the same time. It is like she is in two places at the same time. 

"He is sitting on the staircase with something on his hands. Do you want me to get him to his room?" Amelia says with a hint of a struggle. At Albus' nod, suddenly barking is heard. The child run up the stair as the dog chases him, -he enter the room and close the door on Frida's face. 

Amelia opens her eye and takes off her hand from it. The nausea hits her hard. She covers her mouth as she calms it down. 

"You are bleeding." Molly says with worry. Amelia closes her eyes and inhales to calm down her stomach. 

"Normal side effect. Maintaining myself here while being there gives me motion sickness." Amelia wipes the blood trailing down from her eye with her sleeve. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now