Dr Whale kept her in the hospital a whole day after the giant thing. They were both stood at the main doors to the hospital. "Try not to come back, Yeah?" He asked her. "Because, as much as I love seeing you here, I always have nurses refusing to help you. It seems you were quite the villain!"
She laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, but I didn't know that there was a goddamn giant where the screams were! Did I? I also didn't know some debris would fly into my stomach!" She told him.
Whale rolled his eyes at the girl and watched as she walked away and turned around to go and do his job, and be a doctor. Atarah walked home, luckily not coming across any giants. Or her brother, she was gonna punch him so hard when she saw him! He and Cora were the only explanation for the giant being here in Storybrooke, instead of the enchanted forest.
She opened the door and sensed someone in her house. "Whoever's in my house, do not think I won't hesitate to beat you to a pulp, gut you like a fish and finally feed you to, hmm, should I say a Kraken!" She snapped as she walked into her living room and punching the guy that turned the corner as she did. Though, she held her shoulder in pain.
She may be ok, just not 100% healed, not yet. The person fell to the floor holding their nose when she saw Judas on the floor. "What the fuck, Judas?" She asked. "Oh, my god! You don't go into a villains house and just wait for them!" She said as she helped him up and saw his nose was broken, not noticing the man sitting on the sofa looking very amused, but very confused as to how she was like this now.
"Bloody hell, Tara!" He said as he watched her inspect his nose. She simply waved her hand and his nose snapped back in place.
"What?" She asked him. "Like I said, you don't just wait in a villains living room, waiting for them to get back home! Also, be thankful I have my magic. I just left the hospital, again. As much as Whale enjoys to see my wonderful self, I doubt he'd appreciate me not following his advice on not going back to the hospital for a while!" She said as she brushed her hair out of her face, still not looking at the man on her sofa. "I think the nurses are still a little, hostile! From all the wonderful stuff I did at the enchanted forest!" She finally spun round and saw the man.
She let out a small shriek, not expecting to see him in her sofa. "Who the holy hell is that?" She asked a hand over her heart.
"Atarah, you know how Gold went to go find his eldest son?" Judas asked her.
She scoffed. "I should think so. I was there at the town line when my stupid brother appeared and tried to shoot Belle, so I jumped in the way and got shot! Then I got ran over by the weird man. Not to mention, I know that Emma went with him, because that horrifying giant wanted I speak to her, and I ended up bleeding from my stomach, once again! So yeah, I should think so!" She rambled as she looked between Judas and the mystery man.
"Well, Atarah! Who do you think that is on the sofa?" Judas asked her. She looked over at the man.
"Judas, why do you think I asked you? If I knew him I'd greet him, did you see me greet him. No! So therefore, I don't know who the man is!" She rolled her eyes.
"My god, Tara! That's Baelfire!" Judas told her.
She looked between the two. "What? How? I mean, let's think about it. You two were older than me when he disappeared. And considering I'm like, gods, I don't even know how old I am! It can't be, I mean, he'd be an old man!" She said.
"I'm young thanks to a place called Neverland!" Baelfire told here. She immediately tensed up at the name, he went to Neverland. But none of them noticed her tense up.
"Oh, wonderful! Well, nice to see you again, Baelfire!" She smiled a little.
"It's Neal now!" Baelfire told her with a sheepish smile. "What's this about you being a villain?" He asked her with a raised brow.
"That, Neal! Is a very long story we don't need to be telling right now!" She sighed as she leaned against her wall. "Now, is there a reason you're both here? Because, I'd very much like to, find a way to kill Greg and make it look like an accident!"
"Who's Greg?" Neal asked.
"The dickhead who knocked me over with his car!" She explained.
"Well, we do need your help!" Judas admitted.
"Oh, go figure!" She muttered.
"Our father is dying!" Judas began.
"Good riddance!" She scoffed out, earning two identical looks. "What? That man has ruined my life countless times!" They still looked at her. "Fine, go on!"
"He's dying because you're brother attacked him in New York, with his hook laced in poison. Cora is also after him, along with Regina. We need your help, Tara! Emma said it'd be best to get you!" Judas explained.
"My brother! I'm beginning to think I should just drown that man. Most the problems of late have been caused by him. As for Cora, I'm not in the mood to be near her. We ain't really in good terms anymore, darling. Regina is no problem, she's slightly scared of me, though she'd never admit it!" She explained. "I'll help, as long as my stupid brother isn't there! I'm not having him stab me with a sword again or shoot me again!"
"I doubt he'll be there! So no worries!" Judas told her. She smiled in response.
"Oh, and I better not get injured so I have to go to the hospital. I will never hear the end of it off Whale!" She told them seriously, making Judas and Neal roll their eyes.
"As annoying as always, i see!" Neal remarked.
"You both loved it when I annoyed you, don't deny it!" She said as she waved her hand and they disappeared in black smoke.

Psychotic | OUAT ✔️
Fanfiction"It was magic, Darlings!" Once upon a time - {Season 2 - 3B} I don't not own anything except for my characters and all of my OC's lines. I also own the plot and idea, the rest I do not.