Title: Home
Genre: Friendship/Family/Hurt-Comfort
Characters: Toshiro and his division members
Summary: There was always that aching question of where he belonged. Apprehensively Toshiro takes a step forward and in getting to know his division members and they him he finds he is very much where he belongs.
Notes: Do any of you who've read Admiration remember a character I called "old man thunder"? Well, the kendo instructor's actually how I pictured "old man thunder", except he's younger and more spry and without white hair.
Rating: K
The small taicho faced forward and continued to move his arms up and down in a steady rhythm with the rest of his division. His concentration remained focused on the front of the dojo. No one commented on his lack of height, nor did they note that his white hair and strange colored eyes made him stand out. Everything went a lot better then he had thought it would, until a grumbling feeling was felt in his stomach as well as heard.
A few of the shinigami paused in their place, while others turned their heads to look at him along with the instructor of the dojo. The man's eyes looked at him carefully as Toshiro felt his cheeks flush up slightly. The man simply kept his arms held behind his back. "I think it's time for lunch."
The boy's shoulders suddenly relaxed as the division members went about putting their wooden swords up. Toshiro proceeded to do the same, glad that no one else had chosen to speak about the incident. One of his men spoke up, causing him to turn. "Um... taicho..."
"What is it?" The boy looked at the man, his throat tightening. "Here it comes, some comment about not being able to control my stomach."
"Would you like to join the rest of us in the eating area?"
Toshiro's eyes widened, the surprise about being invited to join them catching him off guard. He could feel his one hand tighten around the blade he was holding as his mouth opened. "I don't understand. They've never invited me before."
"You've never joined us before," the man continued.
"I've never been invited before." The boy opened his mouth to say yes, but then remembered something important. He made a quick bow to the men. "While I appreciate the offer, I made prior arrangements with Matsumoto to meet up with her for lunch."
Silence fell over the room. One of the other men spoke up. "Surely she wouldn't mind just this once?"
Toshiro found himself standing up straight, his mind going into panic about what his fukutaicho would think. "If I don't show up in the office for lunch, she'll panic."
He watched as the men glanced at each other and found himself biting his lip. "This was going well too."
The instructor stepped forward. "Why don't I go with you to speak with her?"
"She won't be happy about the change in plans."
"Believe me, I don't think she'll mind." The man spoke up as he headed to the door. "Are you coming or not?"
Toshiro found himself placing the sword onto the rack, only to knock it and a few others off. One of the men waved him off. "We'll take care of it. It's best not to upset old man thunder."
The small taicho then turned and hurried off behind the old man, his hands tucked behind his back. When the door to the division opened, Rangiku's voice came at him louder then he ever expected the kendo instructor to be. "Taicho! Where ever did you get to! I was worried sick!"
"The taicho was with me in the dojo Ran-chan." The man smiled at her, while Toshiro found himself shrinking against the wall, unable to look her in the eye.
"Really?" Rangiku turned her head to look at the boy. "Why is he acting like he's in trouble then?"
The man turned to look at the small taicho, his eyebrow raising up. "I think that may have to do with the fact you yelled at him."
"I see." The woman crossed her arms. "Taicho, what do you want for lunch?"
Toshiro's eyes went wide, his mouth opening. His eyes darted towards the man, before going back. Old man thunder spoke up. "Actually, some of the men asked taicho if he would join them for lunch. You don't mind your plans with him being postponed."
"Of course not. I might join you guys as well." Rangiku glanced at the papers. "Let me finish up this bit of paper work." The woman paused before turning back. "In case I don't get to the eating area myself, could you make sure that taicho gets plenty to eat?"
"I will."
The two then left the offices. Toshiro's mouth twisted up into a frown. "I can't believe that she said that."
"She's just looking out for you." The comment from the kendo instructor. The boy froze, realizing that his words had been out loud. A calloused hand reached out and ruffled the white head of hair. "If the previous taicho had his way, you'd have had more time to be a child. It's not that big of a deal."
The two arrived where the food was being served and one of the division members spoke up. "Hey! Old man thunder managed to bring taicho."
"I bet his voice scared Matsumoto Fukutaicho into letting taicho come." Laughter came from a few of the men.
"Now, now." The man headed to the line, Toshiro following on his heals. The boy watched as the man took food and put it onto his trey. Carefully he took the same things, only to find a few extra portions places onto his trey. "I watched the Shiba boys grow up. I know full well how much someone with your age as well as power level needs to eat."
The small taicho continued to follow the man. They sat down at the head table and Toshiro began to eat the food. Every so often he glanced up, listening to his men speak. Every so often one of the men would say something and he would nod his head or shake it, his voice not coming out of his throat. Old man thunder's voice caused him to turn his head towards the older shinigami.
"The last time you were in here was when the previous taicho was still around, wasn't it."
"Yes... I never really came in here without him or Matsumoto. Mostly him."
"Did you know he would purposefully hide snacks around the office to make sure you ate more then you would have."
"No... but that sounds like him." Toshiro continued to eat. "This isn't so bad."
1000 Years: One Shots (Part 1)
FanfictionThis is a one-shot collection based around theories I have or had about the final arc for Bleach. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 07-21-12.