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From the moment we stepped inside, I sensed it wasn't only me that felt their body greeted by the blaring music trembled through to the bone

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From the moment we stepped inside, I sensed it wasn't only me that felt their body greeted by the blaring music trembled through to the bone. It's any wonder how any of the displayed valuables hadn't been hurdler on to the floor.

Moving in past the entrance, we're shoulder to shoulder. As far as the eye can see, it's an uncomfortably full house; anyone would be lucky to find an empty spot, let alone be able to fit more people in.

Nearly every possible surface has some form of rubbish and alcohol; whether it be found in it's original stature, plastic cup, or some randomly used object - you name it, I'm sure I could spot it, amongst the liquidy mess in here.

Our fearless self nominated leader Brooke directs our way around, as we tried to hold on to one another hands or forearms. Strategically weaving between groups of people, checking out what's in each passing room, familiarising ourselves until we reach the kitchen area. There's an abundance of drinking options spread across the fully stocked island bench.

Two bartenders are guarding the liquid banquet, whilst happily pouring drinks and strange concoctions upon request.
The girls and I, give one another a knowing look and go in for the kill.
I'd asked for a vodka sunrise, which is a simple starter, and I could stomach for a long night ahead. I'm not ready to burn a hole in my throat from a straight shot, maybe after another drink or two, I'd be good.

Once we'd all been served and held a glass each, we gathered in a tight circle, tucked away to a corner we'd slowly made our way into.

"Cheers!" We call out, raising our cups and immediately downing the contents.

"Welcome to the rest of our fabulous lives!" Brooke announces, earning a roar of cheers from those closet to us, before it went on like a domino affect and has the whole house cheering

Savouring the attention, Brooke quickly replace her empty cups with some nearby wine glasses.

Savouring the attention, Brooke quickly replace her empty cups with some nearby wine glasses

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